During the first three weeks of the semester, I listened to Your Eyes CD nonstop. I understand that there are seven tracks total. There is one specific track that I don’t really care for and I have a few of my favorite tracks. When I first started listening to the CD, it reminded me of a musical play and opera genre type of music. Jazz history helped me learn the history of Jazz music and I developed some appreciate for the music. I will compare each track.The first track, “On the Clear Day”, the soloist sounds like a very high pitch voice while the accompanist singer voice is a low strong pitch. I could hear the piano at the beginning to start the music. This track reminds me of the 1940’s swing era. This is one of the tracks that I play non stop. The track is the type of jazz song that puts you in a relaxation mode.

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The second track, “Lush Life”, is more high pitched and remained high pitched with the piano solo. There is a lack of the accompanist instruments playing which is why I don’t resonate with this song best. This song needs to add some swing and bass to bring the song to life. This is the song that I can fall asleep with. “Lush Life” reminds me of a baby lullaby, but with jazz academics.

The third track, “Your Eyes”, I hear some latin tunes. In comparison with the “Lush Life” track, this track reminds me of a baby lullaby because of the softness and mellowness of the singing voices and the solo voice is a more low pitch. This song is best played when on a study break or even while studying. This song also gives a relaxing vibe.

The fourth track, “You Know It’s Wrong”, I hear more than one soloist. It’s very upbeat out of most of the track. This song reminds me of a specific musical where the main character sings solo and the minor or helper characters sing along to assist the soloist. I will say that this song is more of the big band style due to the fact that there is more than one soloist. This track gives a more sassy approach to jazz music.

The fifth track, “Four Brothers”, features some bebop with a mix of the upbeat vibe. This is one of the tracks that always stick into my mind as if I can’t get this song out of my head. The high singing voice blends in with the bebop with a mixture of old time blues. The accompanist voices also blends in well.
The sixth track, “American Eyes” should of been the name of the CD because “American Eyes” is more upbeat jazz. I hear both accompanist and soloist instruments. The soloist voice is more low pitch and blends well with the piano. “American Eyes” is the epitome of our country and should be for the jazz album.
The last track of the CD, “Joy” is another bebop semi upbeat song. The singing is very fast paced and well blended with the bebop piano tune.
Overall, this CD is a mixture blend of Latin, Bebop, and slow jazz tunes.