What people often wear and usually eat defines their attributions. Take an instance of food. People who eat high profile and expensive foods such as South Asian palm civet on a regular basis can be said to be from higher social class. A South Asian palm civet usually costs about £325 a cup (Berger 23). On the other hand, people who take such foods as fast foods, which include burgers, can be thought to belong in the middle income earning class. On the other hand, people who make plain soup and dishes can be thought as belonging to the lower social classes. People within the higher social class are believed to be individuals with surplus financial resources. Therefore, they have the ability to spend on anything that they want.

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It is their tendencies to go for those products or items that cost more. According to Berger, they believe that something cheap is of low quality (33). The middle income earners are more conservative. They have adequate financial resources, but just enough to meet their life demands. Therefore, it is common for them to go for less expensive foods as a way to limit their budget. At the extreme end is the lower income class. These are people with little or no income. Mostly, they cannot afford the most basic life demands. Therefore, they will be motivated to seek the cheapest alternative food.

Apart from the economic classes, foods can determine a person’s personality. For instance, people who are often determined to eat something that they are afraid of can be acknowledged as individuals who anticipate and embraces challenges in life. Similarly, for people who eat what he or she sees others taking are often branded as individuals who are unsure of their life choices. As such, they seek to follow or copy the life of others. Also, there are those people who go to other cultures and try out their food system, regardless of how unfamiliar. Indeed, new food and eating experiences can be challenging. However, for those embrace them, it is certain that they approach life the same manner. They seek adventure and are fascinated with new discoveries. However, for those who cannot any new or unfamiliar food, they reflect an unadventurous personality, one that is reliant on proven methods rather than new systems.

Just like the case of food, what a person also wears defines the personality and attributions of an individual. A person who prefers to wear executive suits most of the times will be deemed as one who works in an office and tends to live an executive life. On the other hand, a person who wears casually can easily be deemed as one who works in the informal sector and that he or she lives a casual life. Also, a person who wears fancy clothes is acknowledged as an individual who enjoys a partying lifestyle. For instance, if one has a tendency of wearing chains and rings, he or she must lead entirely an extravagant life. Aside from this, there are those clothing modes that are associated with criminals (Berger 45). For instance, a person who wears tops with hoods, which covers the largest part of his or her face such that one cannot their face can easily be attributed as having a criminal personality. People with criminal intentions are the ones who dress in such a manner. Criminals do not like exposing their face. They will prefer to wear clothes that conceal most of their body parts.

From this discussion, it is undeniable that what people eat and wear easily reflects their personalities. As it has been discussed, people who eat high profile foods are said to be rich, while those who takes the cheapest meals are told to be poor. Also, those who wear hoods can easily be branded as criminals. Besides, those who have tendencies of trying new ways of doing things are believed to be adventurous and who anticipate and embrace new challenges in life.