The United States before World War I was a powerful economic player on the geopolitical map. Although the 19th century was a period of conflict and division in the country, it was also one of the swift economic development, prosperity, and industrialization. Mark Twain later called this period of American...
In the film, All Quiet on the Western Front, the story of young Germany in the World War is told. The film portrays the harsh reality of war, with both sentimental and graphic images that depict the horrors for young soldiers, and its many disappointments. Throughout this film, the theme...
World War I saw fighting on a scale never before seen in history. The number of casualties was staggering. For all of the fighting, however, there was remarkably little progress made on either side. Massive battles that took months to fight ended with little or no territory changing hands. This...
Introduction Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1841) and Antoine-Henri Jomini (1779-1869) are two military strategists who wrote prolifically on how war should be understood, designed and executed. They developed their respective theories based on their experiences of the Napoleonic wars. Principles outlined in both of their writings – most notably Clausewitz’s On...
The impact in the visual arts after both World War I and World War II are distinctive from each other. The era before World War I was the time when the Victorian Age had just ended in England and although Modernism was just beginning World War I was the catalyst...
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