The completed chart provides an easy reference to how a number of important religions view different topics. This paper will explore the worldview of good and evil, as seen through the eyes of a number of different world religions. This topic was chosen because everyone sadly encounters evil at some point in their lives. One only needs to read the paper and realize that evil does exist. People also encounter goodness, one hopes on a daily basis.

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Hinduism believes that evil occurs when individuals do not fulfill the laws of the religion. Good, however, occurs when individuals do follow the laws of the nature and the religion. Jainism has an easier way to explain evil, since it does not recognize an omnipotent God. Since there is no all-knowing God, there is no reason to ask why God does not stop evil. Goodness comes from good acts and helps one’s karma. Buddhism recognizes either suffering or enlightenment as human conditions. There is a duality in Buddhism and good and evil are part of this duality. Evil is something that must be overcome by the individual; goodness comes from doing good works (Valea, 2015).

Daoism and Confucianism were also studies. Daoist followers believe in the yin and the yang of the universe. As a result, nothing may be considered completely evil or good because it has a counterpart that balances it out. Confucianism believes in the balance and the duality of the universe as well. Therefore, there is no direct concept of these ideas, such as in Christianity. Rather, they believe that individuals must try to be superior (Yao, 2000, p. 165). Zoroastrianism is also a dualistic religion. The religion believes that there are two dualistic gods who are responsible for the presence of both good and evil in the world. They are considered to be twins in the universe and responsible for the presence of all dualistic conditions (Valea, 2015).

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic religions; they all share the same spiritual leader of Abraham. However, they do not have the same believes on evil. Judaism believes that evil does not exist on its own; rather, it results because of the actions of man. Goodness comes from God and following his laws; this concept is also true for Christianity and Islam. Christianity believes that all evil comes from Satan or the devil. They believe that he tempts humans into committing evil actions. If one is an evil person or commits enough sins, God will condemn the person to eternity in hell with the devil. Islam believes that there is no absolute evil within the universe. In Islam, everything comes from Allah and Allah is good. Therefore, humans must perceive whether or not something is good or evil. Furthermore, things that are often perceived as evil are the result of natural events or because the human failed to obey the laws of Allah. In this way, evil only exists as a manifestation of action, rather than as a pure concept (Fountain Magazine, 2005).

In the Sikh faith, everything comes from God and he is good. This is similar to Islam. Sikhism recognizes evil as a result of the weakness of man. There are five weaknesses or “five thieves” that are responsible for evil in the world. They rob a person of his or her common sense and therefore are weaknesses. They are similar to the Seven Deadly Sins and therefore, all evil comes from these sins or weaknesses. The Jehovah Witnesses believe that Satan is also responsible for evil. They also believe that he was a fallen angel and therefore tempts men to commit evil acts. They believe that God’s love is the source of goodness in the universe. (Valea, 2015).

One can engage in goodness daily by practicing a “good deed.” This is as simple as helping a person carry something. Sadly, it is easy to determine how evil is reflected in the social environment. I often hear individuals gossip and bad-mouth offers. I am ashamed to say that I have also engaged in this process. The only reason that one person gossips about another person is because the individual is insecure. Insecurity often stems from the person being jealous of the other person. In this way, evil is the result of jealousy, one of the sins or five thieves.