The scenario involves an employee working at the cash register of the restaurant. During one of the busy weekends, three customers came to the restaurant, ordered food and paid for it after they had finished eating. Instead of the employee serving them putting the ticket and order in the register, he tears the order and pockets the money. This incidence was seen by one of the colleagues. The secret camera located within the facility also recorded the incidence.
The discipline that will be recommended for this employee is immediate termination of the employment contract. The purpose of this is to act as a warning to other employees not to engage in such mischief. The method used to document the termination will be based on company’s policy. The documentation that will be used to support this decision include: employment contract that stipulates how employees should be treated when they are found stealing, the state laws on employee management and the collective bargaining agreement (Bohlander & Snell, 2010).

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Verbal, non-verbal and visual communication strategies could have been used to avert the conflict. Verbal communication would be in the form of management communicating with the employees and requiring of them to hold virtues. Non-verbal strategies include notices and memos on expectations of employees while visual communication would include informing employees and customers that the premises were under camera surveillance (Bohlander & Snell, 2010).

There are different strategies that can be used to prevent such form of conflict. The first strategy is continuous training of employees to help them understand the importance of not stealing from the restaurant. The other strategy is developing a relationship with employees and understanding the reasons why they may engage in theft. If it is about salary, then the salaries should be reviewed and made more competitive. The other technique is closer supervision of employees (Bohlander & Snell, 2010).

  • Bohlander, G.W. & Snell, S. (2010). Managing human resources. New York: Cengage Learning.