Historians have often discussed matters relating to women’s freedoms and civil rights freedoms; agreeing on some and disagreeing in equal measure on others. The two professors, Professor Kuhlman, and Professor Woodworth-Ney discuss various aspects of women’s suffrage ranging from the background factors that made it possible to have the suffrages granted, to the effects and aftermath of the suffrages. On certain things the two academics have agreed and on others there have been slight differences on comments or opinions.

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Dr. Kuhlman began her presentation by presenting the international women’s suffrage map. In it she points out that in the backdrop of the 1800s and the 1900s, there was no pattern whatsoever with regards to the beginning of the women suffrage movements. She indicates that there were isolated cases of the suffrage activities spread unevenly across the world. Nonetheless, as she continues, women were not equal to men in most of the nations or states of the world. Dr. Woodworth-Ney, on the same breath, points out that there is no pattern that can be perceived as far as women’s suffrages is concerned.

However, she is quick to point out a different scenario in the United States in which there are visible patterns in the American West. According to her, women had some voting rights before the 19th amendment was made law. Then again, she gives a disclaimer; saying that not all of the states in the west permitted women to vote afore the 19th amendment was conceded into law. Dr. Kuhlman then discusses how women managed to have their suffrage movements started in predominantly male governments. According to her most governments were run by men and gradually, they caved into pressure from suffrage movements to grant the voting rights to women. This grew into a trend rather than a pattern as more nations, including African nations in the late 1900s allowed women to vote.

Dr. Woodworth-Ney does not give her views on the role religion had on the granting of women’s suffrages. This is a perspective that dr. Kuhlman gives an insight and examples into. She gives the case of protestant nations being ready to offer women suffrages more easily than catholic dominated republics and states across the globe.

Suffrage contributed greatly to nationhood. This is Dr. Kuhlman’s view on the relationship that women’s suffrage had with nationhood. Initially, there were problems that women faced with regards to feeling part of their nations; and being equal citizens to their male counterparts. Suffrage, according to Dr. Kuhlman, will give the women the opportunity to take part in political matters such as elections. They will get to feel equal to their brothers, fathers and husbands. It is vital to note that following the demands made by suffrage movements, many women in their professional capacities found it in their hearts to join the quest of rectifying other matters in their lives that had long been considered domestic matters. For instance, Dr. Woodworth-Ney indicates that divorce reforms was championed for, including rights to protection of property, economic rights, and many more rights. Prior to these movements, women had no rights to custody of children in many states in the US.

The gains granting women suffrages cannot be ignored. Neither can the deficiencies that were still evident after the suffrages were granted. To begin with, Dr. Kuhlman says that women suffrages did not bring full equality between men and women. She provides a case in point; of Germany giving women the privilege to vote but then not allowing them to take part or be part of the military. Dr. Woodworth supported this claim in her presentation comments pointing to the lack of uniformity in the granting of suffrages across numerous states within the US. There were impacts of this as suffragists and anti-suffragists gave their opinions regarding the aftermath of the legislation. For instance, some argued that black people would outnumber white people in voting; while other supported the counterargument. In summary, the gradual changes in many states and countries was testament that suffrages were a progression to the right direction since they did not happen in a day.