Walter Kim writes “Low on energy, drained of resources, and out of ideas about what to do, I consulted an expert on recovery and was given my personal stimulus package” (525). This introduces the need for formal education that prepares professionals such as Pharmacists. Formal education is one the pillars of US economy currently. No one can question this fact. It is only through the development of effective learning institutions that people across the nation have been able to be taught various skills. Apart from skills, those who learn get effective knowledge and competence to be successful in different careers. In essence, the competence in these skills and knowledge has been crucial in transforming not only US economy but the economy across the globe. The government is one of the institutions that has been in the forefront fighting for the enhancement of formal education. This is mainly aimed at developing individuals who are responsible and can depend upon in the current society.

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Current need for Formal Education
Currently, organizations have implemented technology with the primary objective of enhancing performance. However, technology can be leveraged entirely without the availability of human resources. These are the employees that ensure that all the operations are running correctly and in the expected manner. Formal education is the system that provides such people have the skills and knowledge to run such technologies. Therefore, to ensure that formal education is enhanced the government and related organizations must implement effective strategies to promote and facilitate learning.

Significance of Pharmacy
Currently, several learning careers are offered in the formal education system. Some of the most common of these fields include pharmacy, law, medicine, and public health. In this case, I am a student of pharmacy and the discussion focusses on the significance of pharmacy in the society. In essence, it is crucial to note that pharmacist plays a central role in the society. Firstly, pharmacy is an essential part of the health sector. Walter asserts that the essential function of the pharmacist is to get the patient get well soon. One of the major roles that is played by the pharmacist is to dispense medicine (525). In addition to the above, it so the role of the pharmacist to monitor the progress of the patient. This is a clear indication that the pharmacist ensures that the recovery period takes the shortest time. This gives people the opportunity to participate in building the economy of the United States of America.

Pharmacy has a professional commitment to achieve in the society. In essence, it is the role of the pharmacists to ensure that the health status of the society is enhanced. This is only possible if the pharmacist is competitive in whatever they do. This is the main reason pharmacists strive to ensure that the medicines that they provide the patients cure the diseases. Secondly, pharmacist they try to make sure that they eliminate and reduce disease symptoms in the society. Thirdly, it is the responsibility of the pharmacists to make sure that they diagnose and implement ways of preventing diseases. Finally, it is the role of the patients to alter the psychological processes of the patients to achieve positive outcomes in health care (Sneeringer et al., 220).

Moreover, there is a substantial need to comprehend that pharmacy is a field that equips professionals with skills and knowledge about psychology. It is imperative to note that pharmacy education mainly focuses on providing quality care to the patients (Basak, Foppe, and Dondeti, 612). This is primarily because patients who visit health facilities or pharmacies may be faced with varied emotions due to their health conditions. Therefore, pharmacists who are competent and skilled psychologically have the ability to realize and comprehend such emotional challenges. Thus, they are in a better position of finding amicable health solutions to distressed and frustrated patients. One way in which pharmacy ensures that nurses are equipped with such skills is through the provision of two types of studies. As well, various specialized courses on psychology are provided to those who prefer to advance in the field. As such, the integration of such primary and specialized training in pharmacy are mainly aimed at ensuring that the pharmacists provide quality care to the diverse patients.

In that connection, it is profound to note that pharmacy education entails various units that enhance the skills of the pharmacist. One of the significant of these skills is useful communication. Communication is a vital tool that is required of a pharmacist to be considered as competent. This is mainly because the ways the pharmacist communicates and interacts with the patient determine the health outcome. This is especially appropriate in the cases whereby the patient is suffering from mental disorders. Psychology enhances the need for pharmacists to empathize with patients (Owusu‐Obeng et al., 1102). In that connection, this allows them to provide compassionate and competent care and medication even during stressful situations. This is a clear indication that integrating psychology in pharmacy promotes the ability of pharmacists to provide compassionate care. Thus, this is one of the best strategies that reduce the time taken by the patient in the hospital facility or at home to recover.

In conclusion, it is precise that formal education is vital in enhancing the economy and the health of the people. It is the role of the pharmacists to ensure that the members of the society are healthy. This is not only achieved through the provision of the required medicines. It entails encouraging the patients to enhance their positive thinking and optimism. This is in line with studies conducted that indicate that patients who are encouraged to think positive about their health situations take the shortest time possible to recover. Thus, pharmacy plays a vital role in the society.

  • Kim, Walter. “The Way We Live Now: A Pharmacological Education.” (2009).
  • Basak, Subal C., JW Foppe van Mil, and Dondeti Sathyanarayana. “The changing roles of pharmacists in community pharmacies: perception of reality in India.” Pharmacy world & science 31.6 (2009): 612-618.
  • Sneeringer, Robyn K., et al. “Roles of pharmacists in expanding access to safe and effective medical abortion in developing countries: a review of the literature.” Journal of public health policy 33.2 (2012): 218-229.
  • Owusu‐Obeng, Aniwaa, et al. “Emerging roles for pharmacists in clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics.” Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy 34.10 (2014): 1102-1112.