Becoming a pharmacist has been my life’s dream. This is a professional goal that I set for myself early in life along with deciding upon the best college to fit my academic pursuits-Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. As I have pursued these academic and professional goals, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself and my ability to prioritize and dedicate my entire life towards earning my PharmD. I have the discipline, intelligence, and drive to be successful in the field of pharmacy, and I look forward to being academically challenged at Florida A&M.

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I first became interested in pharmacy when I was in third grade and a pharmacist came to my elementary school class on Career Day. My initial thought was that he had a “cool” job, and I was determined at that moment that I wanted this “cool” job. As the years went on, I became interested in chemistry and the medical field. I knew these interests would serve me well as I pursued pharmacy. When I was in high school, I worked for two years at a local pharmacy. I was always enthralled with how the pharmacist could seamlessly answer any of the patient’s questions about their medications. In college, I interned for a pharmacist who specialized in chemotherapy medications. This helped to broaden my scope of experience and knowledge, and I found that this experience was much different than working for my local pharmacist.

I have always wanted to attend Florida A&M because it has such a stellar reputation for academic excellence. This august university will be a building block for me on the path to my professional goal. A&M is known for its contributions to the medical field, and I feel that it will give me the best education in order for me to become the best pharmacist that I can be. I am a good fit for the pharmacy program due to my desire to excel in this field. I look forward to achieving everything that I have set my mind towards, and only Florida A&M will adequately provide what I need.