Education is one of the most important investments we make in our future. The importance of education has only increased over time because the competition in the job market has grown as a result of globalization. When I made future plans for my education, U.S. emerged as my top choice. I am glad I chose the U.S. to further advance my academic career because I cannot imagine getting a better overall education in any other country. I am not only learning a lot in the classrooms but also outside classrooms.
While formal education is important for a good career, it is also important to develop strong cross cultural knowledge. I am one of many international students who also chose the U.S. due to high quality of both in-class and outside class learning opportunities. In addition to learning about the American culture, I am also learning a lot about other cultures from Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. I have been surprised by the vast cultural differences between countries and it has really opened my eyes. My interaction with people from other cultures has not only helped me make friends from all over the world but will also benefit me in my career life, especially, if I take international work assignments.
Studying in the U.S. has also helped me improve my language and communication skills. My English language skills have improved significantly since coming to the U.S. because here I am speaking English almost all the time. In addition, I also have access to more print and electronic media in English language. In addition, I have also learned few words in other languages because I frequently interact with students from other countries. My communication skills have also improved and these communication skills include listening and nonverbal communication skills. I have learned communication styles can also vary across cultures and some cultures focus more on nonverbal communication than other cultures. Similarly, I have also learned some cultures like the U.S. prefer direct communication style while other cultures like Japan and China prefer indirect communication styles. My improved language and communication skills will also help me in my career because more and more companies now have diverse workforce and they also increasingly target culturally diverse consumer groups. In addition, I will also have access to international work opportunities because of my strong cross-cultural knowledge and communication skills.
I am grateful for the opportunity to study in the U.S. because it is also preparing me well for the real world. Here I am on my own which means I have to do many tasks myself which my family took care of back home. This has helped me become better at organization and time management. I also have developed strong work ethics because in addition to academic workload, I also have other tasks such as volunteer activities and part-time job. I have also developed wider knowledge of global political, economic, and social issues which will be useful in the real world. My life back home was quite comfortable but I prefer this life because it has helped me develop more realistic expectations of the life in the real world. I have also gained more confidence I can survive and achieve success on my own.
Studying in the U.S. has been one of the best decisions I ever made and I am grateful to be studying in the U.S. I learn outside class as much as I learn in the class. I have developed strong cross-cultural knowledge and skills because I frequently interact with fellow students and friends from other countries. My language and communication skills have also improved. Last but not least, I have also acquired other skills that will help me do well in the real world such as time management, organization, and stronger work ethics.