The question of “why economics” is one that is most often asked by those who do not understand the motivations of the individual. Yet, in order to understand my motivations, it is necessary to go back to the beginning. My roadmap to entry into the corporate world started the first day I attended the high school at which I completed my senior year. While I had a strong desire to become an accountant or to work as a finance manager at various institutions when I was a child, I could not have begun to imagine the desire that I would have to enter into the business world that manifested itself my senior year of high school. I was ready, or so I thought. Yet, achieving my dreams in life would not come until after I had completed the requisite business courses that would grant me the degree I would need in order to do so. As the time flew by, as I worked toward the completion of my course load, my dreams remained strong. I was unrelenting in my quest to pursue a degree in business.
My career objectives became more narrow, more well defined, and my focus in life narrowed to just two courses, finance and economics. I dropped my wider perspective of a career in business and I knew I still had to narrow down my choice between the world of finance and the world of economics. This redirection in my career path triggered my interest in very specific courses, courses that I knew would aid me in my quest to narrow down which path I would take. As the saying goes, careers are built from humble beginnings, and it is through our dreams that we perceive the reality of our imaginations. I set a course toward the accomplishment of my ambitious goals and dove in to these two areas of study.

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I majored in both finance and economics and took both sets of courses at my particular business school. I was certain that I would be able to achieve my dreams, allowing me to work in a field that I was truly passionate about. My main focus quickly shifted to that of economics, and it became my preferred of the two courses, over that of finance, though my passion for finance was still almost equally as great. I enjoyed the way that economics worked to expand my scope of reasoning and my understanding of the world. I was pleased at how well finance worked to compliment economics, serving as a uniquely compatible double major. Economics is not merely a field of study; it works to exonerate the way society lives and the interactions between different peoples, groups of peoples, and the world.

As a freshman, a professor whose course I was taking at the time told me that, as time went on, my perspectives would change. Following the completion of my studies, my worldview would be widely different from that which it was before I first opened an economics textbook. I must attest that he was correct. My worldview and perspectives on life have changed significantly since that day, and they continue to change the more I learn and grow. These changing perspectives continue to provide benefit, allowing me to grow as a student.

Given my enthusiasm for macroeconomics, looking at the world economy as a whole, my focus on the field of economics has provided me with the knowledge and skills that I need in order to continue to explore this area of interest in greater depth. I majored in economics so that I could, in part, better understand the fluctuations present in world economies, allowing me to, one day, I hope, make a model that will be able to predict the trends of a given product and the duration of its lifecycle within any given market. While such a forecasting model will be revolutionary in and of itself, being able to offer expert advice to manufacturers regarding the situations that they may face in the corporate world will make me invaluable within this area as well. In addition to helping me to achieve this dream, the study of economics will leave me with the knowledge of the core principles of economic studies, providing me with the ability to make sound rationalizations regarding specific market trends across the globe.

The addition of a finance background to my studies has aided me in making specific value based decisions regarding key financial markets. It is through the exploration of financial ratios that I have been able to make certain economic decisions predictable, to a degree, and though the continued acquisition of this knowledge, I will be able to refine those predictions even further. My decision to double major in both economics and finance was based on my intentions, my dreams, and my career aspirations. I believe that this will result in a well-balanced degree and that I will be able to meet my stipulated study objectives.

The question of “why economics” is ultimately a simple one. I have known from a very early age what I wanted to do in the general sense. As I have gotten older, I have worked to narrow that focus. Every action I have taken has been working toward my desired career and what I hope to achieve. Economics is the best means for me to accomplish those goals and dreams, and as such, this was the choice that made the most sense.