Introduction It is a supermarket chain specializing in organic diets, serving the American, Canadian and British market. It recognizes its headquarters in Austin, Texas. It is among the thirty largest retail stores operating in the American market, grossing billions in sales revenues. The firm’s early years are characterized as a forerunner, since the establishment, created by Mackey and Renee Lawson was kind of grand in comparison to its competitors then.

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Mission Statement
Their motto- whole foods, whole people, whole planet- accentuates the firm’s vision that stretches beyond the retailing endeavors. The experience apart from satisfying a customer’s needs; also makes a positive impact on the well-being of the environment, which affects everyone, no matter their geographical characteristics. Their products are guaranteed to offer practical consequences that contribute to escalating qualities of life to its users and their families. In today’s day and age, there exists a proliferation of dangerous products that work to the detriment of a person’s health. Too many sugars, as well as synthesized compounds in their competitors’ offerings, do not have the equivalent powers than their products. In summary, they promote all-inclusive thinking in an everyday world, respecting all forms of organic life existing in our domain.

Strategic Goals
The company is dependent on five priorities to drive growth over a long term period. According to Bryson (2011), increasing competition among conventional grocery stores makes for a very challenging environment that if neglected will lead to diminished market share. First and foremost, the company is prioritizing unit development, which is aimed at increasing the presence in the global market. Evidenced by thirty-eight new establishments opened this year, the firm anticipates adding its 500th store by 2017. The long-term objective of increased dominance in the market is a staggering 1200 stores, specifically in the American market. The inaugural ceremonies of new establishment bring the need to innovate, which differentiates the shopping experience, with more focus on the leisure tenet of shopping. Besides, the organization is also remodeling its flagship stores, creating a contemporary look to stores operating that have operated for decades. The refreshments range from interior decoration up to complete renovations to capital assets.

Another strategy is the creation of value. In any booming sector, value addition is a principle to sustaining continued profitability in the long run. A competitive price offered will boost the credibility of the products as well as improving the worth of the products when compared with its dollar equivalents. The consistent pricing strategies implemented in all of its stores, especially in perishable items, increase the propensity of customers to choose the establishment over its competitors. The firm’s managers have identified more opportunities to broaden their client’s selection of goods with minimum prices. Such efforts are detrimental to elevate its gross margins consistently, guaranteeing its position as a market leader. Additionally, the chain expects to present its inaugural nationwide marketing and brand crusade this year.

According to Robb & Gallo (2013), they are also introducing a new rating model for produce and flowers offered for purchase at its different stores. These standards, according to their top management, will permit customers to maximize their utilities through making informed choices based on the crucial farming techniques; together with pest controls, worker welfare, and pollination. Ultimately, the fifth main concern in their deliberate plans is to improve digital sales resulting from online platforms. The firm has obsessively partnered with logistic intention, offering more home-delivery options and customer pick-up in among its flagship stores across the nation. It will soon roll-out a new mobile application, designed to improve the shopping experience, especially for shoppers on the go. The trendy app will increase the market characteristics since every individual with access to a smartphone will have the capability to address concerns encountered while shopping for organic products.

Social Responsibility
Johnston (2008) deduced that the firm is placed to offer investment in social amenities within the vicinity of its stores. For instance, the firm offers free food to vulnerable populations, especially in the seasons of cheer such as the Christmas season. The homeless, physically challenged and mentally sick are given access to healthy alternatives that increases their awareness of healthy living. Besides, the sustainability of its practices particularly with regards to seafood helps to ensure the critical human labor in catching these hoards of fish are fairly compensated for their endeavors.

Furthermore, conferring to Tai (2015), the elimination of plastic grocery bags has instituted the mass action to fight this scourge that pollutes our environment. It has become so popular that its stores serve as collection centers for recycling enthusiasts to help protect ecological environment. Moreover, the firm also launched whole trade guarantees that ensure its product are ethically produced as well as increasing the scope of its stakeholders to clarify its globular agenda.

Management Team and Qualifications
Whole foods are currently being headed by Walter Robb, who is the Co-chief Executive Officer alongside other team members who receive salary caps to diminish cash compensation as well as free access to the company’s financial statements. The top tier management is handpicked from the leading industry professional associations, sustaining the integrity of their work, coupled with increased networking ability to other experts of the food sector. The respect among members of management works to the overall attainment of profitability goals.

Organizational Structure
The firm demonstrates a compact configuration, consisting of teams that encompass 6-99 members. The leaders of these teams are also the store’s manager and also members of the regional leadership team, replicated all the way up to the highest echelons of the company.

Employee Recruitment and Selection
All the employees of this mammoth organization are equally employed according to their relevant qualifications, applying through the portal on the store’s website. The human resource department is one of the best in the sector, allowing for team members to select their best allowance plans.

Employee Training and Development
Each team is tasked with coordinating the assimilation of new staff to the entity. The liability is shared among the team, thus reducing accountability for individual mistakes that may be detrimental to the firm’s existence.

  • Bryson, J. M. (2011). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (Vol. 1). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Johnston, J. (2008). The citizen-consumer hybrid: ideological tensions and the case of Whole Foods Market. Theory and Society, 37(3), 229-270.
  • Robb, W., & Gallo, A. C. (2013). GMO labeling coming to Whole Foods Market. Whole Story. Retrieved from
  • Tai, S. (2015). Whole Foods: The FSMA and the Challenges of Defragmenting Food Safety Regulation. American journal of law & medicine, 41(2-3), 447-458.