The word ‘Biology’ can be familiar and unfamiliar to many people. We probably have heard of it in school. We might have taken science class that includes Biology. However, what is Biology? Without referring to sources, prior to entering this class, I see Biology as one of the main science learning subjects besides Physics and Chemistry. This is about human body including cells, genes, DNAs, and organisms. I know I will learn more about our body structure, how it works such as our digestive system and respiratory system here in Biology. It demonstrates more about how our bodies function from the inside.After doing some research, Patrick Roisen explained in his video on BrightStorm, that Biology is “the coolest of all the sciences, … the study of living things and how they interact with their environment” (Roisen, 2016).

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Just like in Business and Education field, Biology has its extension combined with other sciences as well. “[For] example, biochemistry and toxicology with biology, chemistry, and medicine; biophysics with biology and physics; stratigraphy with biology and geography; astrobiology with biology and astronomy. Social sciences such as geography, philosophy, psychology and sociology can also interact with biology …” (NTNU, 2016). In other words, Biology is not solely about living things and how they interact with others; but also the interactions with other Sciences, too.

Biology was first created by Aristotle, in 350BC, the Father of Biology. He began to have the idea of categorizing the animals and studies the hearts and brains of these animals. Galen, a Roman Physician, began human anatomy. He was the first one who dissected animals. Andres Vasaliues, a student of Galen, in 1543, set the new standards for the science of anatomy because of his unique way of teaching. William Harvey was an English Physician, a Physiologist, who studied the circulation of Blood. In 1651, William made a conclusion that all animals begin from an egg somehow. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was the inventor of the first microscope. Carolus Linneaus was the Father of Modern taxonomy. Lamarck was another contributor on taxonomy. (Old Mark Smith, 2009) [In] “1802, the term Biology in its modern sense is propounded independently by Gottfriend Reinhold Treviranus and Lamarck” (Old Mark Smith, 2009). Charles Darwin made the first evolutionary tree. In 1858, Rudolf Virchrow suggested that cells can only transform from already existed cells. Mendel was the Father of Genetics. Dr. Quisumbing, who was the Father of Philippine taxonomy, wrote “Medical Plants in the Philippines”. (Old Mark Smith, 2009).

In conclusion, Biology began many years ago in 350BC; yet as scientists focused on experimenting all the ideas within Biology, we learn more about ourselves and animals throughout these years. It is understood that Biology means the study of humans and how our bodies interact. Throughout these years, multiple scientists and physicians have come up with various concepts, which accumulated to what we know about Biology. Though there are still much to learn, with what we know so far, Biology is a useful subject that opened our eyes to more understanding of ourselves.

  • NTNU. (2016). What is Biology at NTNU? Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Retrieved from
  • Old Mark Smith. (9 August 2009). History of Biology. YouTube. Video. Retrieved from
  • Roisen, P. (2016). Biology Definition. Brightstorm, Inc. Retrieved from