Design science is relevant to the research topic of web content management systems issues. The main reason why design science is applicable to the respective topic of interest is because it represents a well-defined, systematic form of designing (Hevner, March, Park, & Ram, 2004). However, it is important to differentiate between scientific method and design method upon arriving at particular conclusions for the design and maintenance of web content management systems. The development of design science makes it possible to perceive design from multiple perspectives, including those of artifact, evaluation of different design elements, research contributions and research rigor (Keil, 1995). Design science also focuses on the importance of the entire search process based on openness, collaboration and communication initiated among all stakeholders within the organization.

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The application of the design science framework enables professionals in the field with an opportunity to discuss the implications of web content management systems more effectively. In fact, both design and research problems can be properly decomposed in terms of problem solving activities. As a result, employees in the organization might expand their problem solving skills and provide optimal solutions to various emerging challenges pertaining to the design and maintenance of web content management systems (Glass, 1999). Other significant aspects applicable from design science to the respective systems refer to ongoing problem investigation, solution design, procedures for design validation and implementation guidelines. All these dimensions are included in the design science framework, and they properly fit in the requirements for the design of web content management systems.

At the same time, it is important to consider that the intended audience for this project is quite extensive in the sense of including practitioners in the web management domain and all those individuals who might show an interest in exploring the way those systems function (Halpin, 2001). They might introduce certain oppositions to the topic, especially to the application of design science framework. However, it is essential to address their concerns in a professional and efficient manner by helping them explore the wide applicability of design science.


  • Glass, R. (1999). On design. IEEE Software, 16(2), 103-104.

  • Halpin, T. A. (2001). Information modeling and relational databases. New York: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

  • Hevner, A. R., March, S. T., Park, J., & Ram, S. (2004). Design science in information systems research. MIS Quarterly, 28(1), 75-105.

  • Keil, M. (1995). Pulling the plug: Software project management and the problem of project escalation. MIS Quarterly, 19(4), 421-447.