The extensive use of Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) aims to facilitate collaboration, workflow, efficient communication and flexibility in modern organizations. The medium of a web interface is introduced with the utmost goal to expand the functioning of diverse work teams and groups (Alalwan, Thomas, & Weistroffer, 2014). Specific WCMS applications can be easily utilized, created and maintained, especially through external websites. Other applications, such as MS Sharepoint, represent efficient data management solutions based on the idea to ensure optimal web content and collaboration. The emphasis is on the optimization of work flow through various creative solutions enhanced through the consistent use of new technologies and applications (Barker, 2015). Yet awareness of emerging security issues is expected from all groups participating in the process of updating work flow and other elements pertaining to the respective applications.

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Problem Statement
It has been identified in research that WCMS interfaces are the preferred access point for hackers, who can hijack information, steal personal data, or launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks from the WCMS interface. Different organizations and institutions have underwent similar attacks and thus try their best to implement efficient solutions that could help them tackle the problem in a relevant manner (Barker, 2015). It is expected to ensure adequate preparedness and knowledge of how these attacks might take place, but the issue that should be underlined in the respective context is prevention. Significant preventive measures include a thorough exploration of the weaknesses and benefits associated with WCMS interfaces.

Purpose Statement
The major purpose of this study is to identify some of the most relevant issues surrounding WCMS interfaces. The fact that these applications are quite popular with hackers is indicative of why more and more research is needed to examine the implications of those systems in the long term. Therefore, the present research is focused on explaining certain security updates in the sense of determining the degree to which users can rely on the security of their operating system (Nakano, 2001). It is important to ensure that WCMS security updates are properly synchronized with security updates on the operating system of users. It should be emphasized that the system security issues of WCMS interfaces emerge with adequate relevance. Users and developers are constantly encouraged to consider various security issues pertaining to the identified interfaces.

Research Questions and Objectives
The major research question presented in this study is the following: What are the major WCMS issues emerging in the performance of Dell company? Another significant research question relates to the following aspects: How can Dell company optimize its performance in terms of security updates, which are facilitated with the use of WCMS applications? Thus, an important objective of the study is to enhance users’ awareness of the benefits of WCMS applications and how they can be improved.

Significance of Study
The significance of the current study reflects in the assumption that a substantial number of companies is using cloud-based solutions to manage data, documents, and projects. It is essential to note that cloud-based management coupled to WCMS can become the default workspace within large corporations, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, and schools (Nakano, 2001). As the cost of cloud computing and storage is continuously reduced, the respective applications have significant potential for expansion into other areas. However, the major implication is that WCMS applications should be made more reliable and secure in order to prevent the attacks initiated by hackers.

Definition of Terms
A proper definition of Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) is the following: these systems represent a software pertaining to website authoring, collaboration and administration to manage website content in a facilitated manner (Addey, Suh, & Ellis, 2003). Another term used in the study is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), which refers to a malicious attempt to turn servers or network resources unavailable to users.

Ethical Considerations
Considering that the present study includes the case of Dell company implies that ensuring adequate ethical considerations is important. In this context, it is relevant to introduce an informed consent form to participants in the study, who will be identified as IT specialists and network administrators, as they might properly deal with emerging WCMS issues within the organization (Nakano, 2001). Such a form ensures that the study participants will demonstrate their voluntary agreement to participate in the research.

A significant limitation of the study refers to the use of only one case study, in particular Dell company. This might prevent the researcher from obtaining extensive information from different companies in the IT field (Barker, 2015). Another limitation that might be identified is the biased information provided by the respective organization.

In terms of delimitations, it is relevant to note that the choice of the problem is in line with the increasing security concerns of both users and developers. There are also other related problems pertaining to WCMS applications in the sense of optimizing their performance and features (Nakano, 2001).

  • Addey, D., Suh, P., & Ellis, J. (2003). Content management systems. New York: Apress.
  • Alalwan, J. A., Thomas, M. A., & Weistroffer, H. R. (2014). Decision support capabilities of enterprise content management systems: An empirical investigation. Decision Support Systems, 68, 39-48.
  • Barker, D. (2015). Web content management: Systems, features, and best practices. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.
  • Nakano, R. (2001). Web content management: A collaborative approach. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional.