The term “rate” has many connotations, but, for the purpose of this discussion its meaning pertains to research that is conducted by social scientists and demographers. A Number is obtained by dividing actual occurrence numbers in a designated time frame which is divided by the number of possible occurrences (Frankfort-Nachmias,, 2015 p.47) used the variable of poverty levels of under 18 year olds per 1000 people in 2011 by the US Census Bureau. Based on the total population, the conclusion data showed that their rate of poverty was 15%.

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One criminology research problem that focuses on empirical data using the research rate formula is the study, that criminologists would agree, that school dropouts and low income students correlates with crime.The study revealed that people in the 15-25 age group (those most prone to criminal activity) who graduate from high school and earn more money will be less likely to enter the criminal justice system. ( 2011). Twenty percent was considered the lowest of all family incomes and high income was referenced as the top 20 percent of all family incomes.

Utilizing the rate equation can reveal important information that can be helpful in assessing progress or trends in any given situation. In criminology it is a way for professional analysts to figure out what makes the criminal think the way  that he or she does, and what laws or punishments need strengthening in an effort to have a better grasp on the cycle of illegal behavior. It opens up every criminal matter on hand for review and critical thinking, and allows us to determine whether the criminal justice system works very well, or if it is flawed. Criminology serves  the public  in the interest of creating and sustaining a better society. (Small-Jordan, 2014) This comparison of drop outs and high school graduates is an appropriate study to improve the disparity between these two situations.

Using inappropriate methods in conducting a rate study will deem the study inappropriate and misleading. Careful attention should be paid to checking and rechecking the data that is inputted in the study so that there is no chance of incorrect information that would jeopardize the validity of the results .One case in point would be a research problem that uses outdated statistical data to perform a rate study. A study of the number of four year old children enrolled in daycare versus the number of five year old children listed in kindergarten on an outdated list. Accurate information is important to verify the correct outcome. Research should be meticulous and reliable.

Throughout the years statistical rate studies have been utilized in every facet and entity that affects our everyday lives such as schools, government, law enforcement and consumer credit institutions. Rate studies keep us informed to the trends of life. They help us to develop plans to address issues and ward off potential threats. To gather proper research information, Frankfort-Nachmias (2015) advises, “Through the process of gathering information and conducting research, you are likely to develop additional questions to add to the ones with which you start. Through the process of taking notes, you record the information you need as your research progresses in order to make outlining and writing your first draft easier. The important thing is to have a plan and ask questions to know what information you seek, where to find it and how to evaluate the amount of research data you need. ”All in all, in order to present valid, accurate and reliable data in your rate study, you must be diligent in checking and rechecking your information for accuracy. Conducting a rate study requires a committed attitude and focused concentration.

There are different types of research. The type used in this discussion is descriptive research that focuses on providing reliable descriptions of observations of phenomena. The tools used in gathering information in the rate study vary according to the purpose. The variables that were measured in all three studies discussed here ranged from age groups, education levels, poverty and faulty information. All of these variants work together to form an informed outcome.

Exploration – social research is helps to explore and get familiar with a topic. In many instances research is explored through using small group discussions Exploring studies can be important in social research. Exploring studies can have a negative connotations. One downside may be that they seldom give valid answers to questions that are researched. Thus, the sample is not a verifiable certainty.

Description – situations and events are described. Researchers observe and describe their observations The US Census is a viable example of descriptive research. Their function is to clearly describe several characteristics of the U.S. population which includes race/ethnicity, age, sex, household size, income, etc. as accurate as possible.

Explanation – purpose of social research is to explain things. While descriptive studies attempt to answer the what, when, where, and how, explanatory studies attempt to answer the why. For example, reporting the crime rates of different cities is descriptive. Identifying the variables that explain why some cities have higher crime rates than others involves explanation. (Babbie,2001)

Conclusion – While there are three distinct purposes of social science research, most studies will have elements of all three. For example, suppose a researcher sets out to evaluate the effectiveness of a new form of psychotherapy. The study will have exploratory aspects as he or she explores possible relevant variables and their effects on the therapy. The researcher will also likely want to describe things such as recovery rate. In addition, he or she will likely want to explain why the new form of therapy works better for some types of people or problems than others.( Babbie, 2001)

Conducting rate studies would seem to be very ethical in general because of the intendedpurpose is to benefit the greater good. The results throughout the years has benefitted so many people and contributed to discoveries of life changes that provide innovative new trends that improve our way of life for the present and for the future. These studies give ground breaking information that can help in the medical field to education.

Frankfort, (2015,p21) said it best “Whatever model of social research you use followin a traditional one of integrate your analysis with quantitative data, you may focus on social differences or aspects of social behavior. This introductory text is used to familiarize you to the range of descriptive and inferential statistics. This text has given me a new meaning and understanding of the importance of conducting research and how information is gathered. I came to the realization that all of the rate studies that have been conducted throughout the years must have helped to shape society and its many levels of government, higher education and medical facilities and pharmaceutical companies.
