Samples "United States" (Page 2)

United States

American Nation

An American is an individual who is a citizen under the statutory or the constitutional category and confers complete membership in the American polity (Park, 2014). The definition of a person who qualifies to be called an American citizen has changed over the last decades. This is because of the...

1029 words | 4 page(s)
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Identity & Heritage in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

In Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use”, the characters Dee, Maggie and Mama go through transformations around the theme of identity and heritage. Maggie and Mama experience internal change, while Dee’s transformation is superficial and showy, disguised as intellectual enlightenment. The story serves as a commentary on African American heritage...

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“Oh Say Can You Sing”, by Sid Kuller and Ray Golden

The Federal Theatre Project was part of the Works Projects Administration under that began under President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal plan. It was an program that, during the Depression of the 1930s, provided government funding to encourage plays. The Federal Theatre Project provided work for performers and allowed a low...

266 words | 3 page(s)
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A Distinct American Nation

America is upheld by many as the greatest nation on Earth. The reason that America tends to be upheld as a great nation is the political ideologies that it was founded upon. Yet pinpointing precisely when America became a distinct nation is difficult. In addressing this point, the following illustrates...

468 words | 3 page(s)
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Virginia Tops 2013 List of the Best States for Business

A Forbes online article by Kurt Badenhausen talks about the best U.S. states for businesses and informs the reader that Virginia took the top spot in the latest ranking . Last year’s top ranking state Utah fell down two spots to number 3 while Minnesota was the biggest gainer at...

342 words | 3 page(s)
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