The typology of my current activity, which is building an online business, is transaction intensive, not locally discretionary, is a service, and there is a known technology for developing it. In order to create this business, I will need to engage in extensive transactions with others in order to make this happen, and many of these individuals will be webmasters who are not in my local area. Further, I am providing a useful service, and I will use existing web technologies in order to create it.
In my opinion, I am using some of the right strategies for my activity, at least according to Lant Pritchett. I have been networking extensively in order to develop the correct contacts for the type of business that I am in the process of developing; however, I worry that I have not been networking enough. I believe that there are webmasters in the industry who can provide what I need, but I have not yet come across them.

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The activities that I need to engage in to achieve the results that I require are primarily social. First, I need to engage in more networking activities. Business transactions are, above all, a social activity, and thus I need to develop more contacts before I embark upon my online business. Additionally, I need to engage in more marketing activities. Unless I advertise my business more widely, I will not make any necessary sales.

The implementation category of my activities, as defined by Lant Pritchett, is Logistics. The Logistics category fulfills all of the particular details of my online business plan. My activity is transaction intensive, it is not locally discretionary, it provides a service (although, in this category, it can be either a service or an obligation), and there are available technologies to fulfill my needs.