In any thriving organization, the productivity of employees as well as their collaboration enhances an improvement in productivity. Customers and clients enjoy exceptional service from these employees. The management style used by managers is detrimental to sustaining profitability in the long-term. Hence, the best organizational performance levels are instigated by good management practices. All bosses prefer different modes of planning and coordination of efforts in the attainment of desired results. There are a number of instances and organizations that dictate the kind of management style imposed by superiors to junior staff.
One of the best approaches for managers to implement in an administrative setting is autocratic bosses. These individuals prefer to have the final say in any decision. They ensure whatever they imply is the correct way to conduct day to day operations of the business. These people are solely responsible for the direction a firm precedes. Their strategies should be implemented without questions. In addition, these bosses exercise complete control of employees, dictating when a member of staff should leave as well as dictating the employment conditions. They are best applied whenever the firm is in a crisis.

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Furthermore, another type of manager is the authoritative boss. He has the chief concern of the realization overall long-term objectives. He is responsible for sustaining the vision. They make sure to align the employees’ aspirations with those of the establishment. They are very loyal to the firm, practicing rigidity in their endeavors. It means he applies the same principles in all situations, provided it is fair-minded. They set goals that have clarity and all members should strive to achieve their aims. In case of poor results, the boss gives concrete feedback regarding the same, even persuading workers to achieve their quota. It is best applied when the leader is trustworthy, since the workers will strive to impress him. On the other hand, such a management style is useless whenever employees are under-development and thus have lower learning curves.

According to Konina, Natenadze, and Simonov (1114),the consultative boss demonstrates a harmonious relationship with his charges. They create rapport between them and other staff thus concentrates on the individual aspects in relation to the people. Such a manger avoids conflict, emphasizing mutual respect to all parties involved in the organization. He motivates other staff by keeping them cheerful, taking a people first strategy. The style is best suited to managers who coordinate monotonous tasks, which require minimal performance levels. Besides, it is also helpful whenever there are cases in discontent among employees.

Moreover, Karodia, Mahomed, and Rehman imply that the participative boss ensures the principles of democracy are adhered to in the entity in question (30). They ensure every decision is consulted to employees, valuing feedback on the best way to accomplish the anticipated results. They regard all parties equal and usually have an open-door policy in his office. They are decent in pleasing hardworking employees through gifts and entitlements, such as promotion. Such a management style is useful whenever the staff is highly skilled and has adequate experience. Also, it is logical to behave this way to employees who work together in the same environment.

Ultimately, there are also pacesetting managers who personally like their input in the search for consistent results. The manager is not afraid to get his hands dirty in the overall accomplishment of the firm’s goals. This manager expects junior employees to perform the job just as he has demonstrated. They prefer high quality output, personally motivating employees through attainable targets that he has accomplished in the past. It gives employees no excuses whenever they fail to achieve these targets. It is most effective when the employees are highly motivated and competent.

  • Karodia, Anis Mahomed, and Sayed Moinuddin Rehman. “Management Styles and Their Impact on Employee Motivation at a Small to Medium Sized Manufacturing Business with Particular Reference to Finance and Accounting Practice in General.” International Journal of Accounting Research 1.8 (2014): 30-35.
  • Konina, O. V., E. D. Natenadze, and A. B. Simonov. “Entrepreneurial Culture and Management Style: Overview and Formation Mechanism.” World Applied Sciences Journal 30.9 (2014): 1109-1112.