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Two-factor authentication can be described as a security measure that has been created to enable the users to provide two different credentials from separate categories. For instance, one security credential can be a card while the other credential can be a security code that can be memorized. Two-factor authentication has been applied in various aspects of our current societies lately. It is just that most people are not primarily aware about what they are and their underlying advantages as well as disadvantages. Consequently, a good example of an area where a two-factor authentication has been successfully adopted and implemented is in bank cards. On that regard, the bank card provides that card holders with a physical security platform whereas the fact that one would be required to produce the card before proceeding with various banking services means that the pin that is supplemented to enable the process is substantially another security aspect (Chen & Lee, 2014).

Thus, a two-factor authentication innovation has provided a major breakthrough in assisting to improve the level of security in various technological innovations and inventions that have been designed to make our lives efficient. For example, a person cannot use a bank card without supplementing it with a pin. An individual will be required to provide both the card and the pin for him/her to proceed with the services that the card provides. Thus, the core purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed report of a two-factor authentication innovation and whether it should be a requirement for all users (Evseev & Tomashevskyy, 2015).

Authentication is substantially the process of providing a platform for verifying particular users. Thus, a two-factor authentication has been designed to improve the efficiency of confirming and verifying users. Blackberry OS 10, Apples iOS and Google Android are examples of applications and technological innovations that have been created to support multifactor authentication. Some of these operating systems have large screens that can allow the users to verify their fingerprints and supplementing the pins before allowing the users to proceed with what they may wish to perform. Besides that, some of the latest smartphones that are found in the market have in-built cameras that can verify or rather recognize their users and allowing them to proceed with their operations. Thus, after ensuring that the iris of the users has been confirmed, the users can then be provided with the go ahead to provide their pins and continue using the phones. Other smartphones have been designed to necessitate the capturing of voices before verifying the accessibility of the users. That means that most smartphones have been designed in a manner that can necessitate the support of various two-factor authentication innovations. Thus, it is usually upon the producers to determine the most suitable two-factor authentication that can serve to suit their products more effectively (Coffin, 2011).

Various technological innovations and increase in technological innovations in our current world has also led to increase in frauds. Thankfully, two-factor authentication is a major technological breakthrough that has been developed to improve the levels of security that were previously installed in some of the technological innovations that had been developed with security and authentication platforms. Thus, the fact that one security credential is more prone to fraud than multifactor security credentials, the same idea has been used to ensure that users are secure while adopting and readjusting to the current technological developments. Far from that, security credentials such as bank cards can get lost. Thus, two-factor authentication ensures that individuals who may access the card will not have the mandate of using the services that are supposed to be offered by the card without providing another verification thus cratering a sense of secureness and assurances that they users may need (Chen & Lee, 2014).

Far from that, it is also worth to highlight that two-factor authentication is easy to use. Thus, unlike other forms of authentication measures that are substantially employed in a number of technological innovations, two-factor authentication provides the users with an easy accessibility platform. It should be noted that basing on the suitability of the users most technological developments that require verifications such as smartphones have been designed in a manner that can enable the users to choose the type of authentication that is more friendly and easy to use depending on their interests. Thus, other than just elevating the level of security of the users, two-factor authentication is also a significant figure in ensuring that users are provided with the usability and accessibility that they may need (Coffin, 2011).

Two-factor authentication has also been created in a manner that can necessitate the provision of various authentications. Thus, the fact that it provides the users with a pool of options makes it a significant innovation that can be used to reduce the number of frauds that are present in our current society. More importantly, two-factor authentication also enables the users to change their authentications if they feel threatened or insecure with the available security credentials that may have been put in place. Hence, it is logical to highlight that two-factor authentication is important in our contemporary in the sense that it provides the users with a wide range of flexibilities basing on their levels of interests (Chen & Lee, 2014).

Despite the fact that two-factor authentication has boosted the level of authentication that people use in various technological innovations that are aimed at improving pour lives, concerns have been raised regarding the suitability of the innovation and whether it is effective enough to provide high levels of authentication. In fact, arguments have been provided highlighting that the core challenge of two-factor authentication is the fact that thieves can break into computers and turn one authentication into a safe mode thus creating accessibility to the information of the users. Thus, despite the fact that the intervention has been accredited for its significance in the improvement of the levels of authentication, it is devastating to state that it does not provide 100% security to the users. In addition to that, two-factor authentication requires that users should provide two different credentials for them to access particular services. Thus, should users forget their credentials it is likely that they could be denied to access some of their rightful services (Evseev & Tomashevskyy, 2015).

Another disadvantage of two-factor authentication is that it may lead to delay of services. Some of the two-factor authentication that is currently in place may even depend on networks for them to operate. Thus, any form of network breach can make compel them to delay the services that they offer. Thus, despite its significance, the innovation can also reduce the efficiency of accessing some services amongst the users (Chen & Lee, 2014).

In conclusion, two-factor authentication is a major security breakthrough that has improved the levels of authentication that people may desire. More importantly, the current society is characterized by an increase in the levels of insecurity and fraud. Thus, despite the fact that the innovation does not provide the users with the security that they may desire, it is substantially a great breakthrough that has improved the statues of our communities. Thus, users should be encouraged to embrace and support the innovation in the sense that it is likely to improve the secureness of their technological activities. More importantly, they should understand that the technology is still evolving and that better ways of ensuring that it is more and more secure are still being developed (Liu, 2013).

  • Chen, C., & Lee, C. (2014). A two-factor authentication scheme with anonymity for multi-server environments. Security and Communication Networks Security Comm. Networks, 8(8), 1608-1625. doi:10.1002/sec.1109
  • Coffin, D. (2011). Two-Factor Authentication. Expert Oracle and Java Security, 177-208. doi:10.1007/978-1-4302-3832-4_9
  • Evseev, S. P., & Tomashevskyy, B. P. (2015). Two-Factor Authentication Methods Threats Analysis.Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 0(1). doi:10.15588/1607-3274-2015-1-7
  • Liu, F. (2013). Efficient Two-Factor Authentication Protocol Using Password and Smart Card. JCP Journal of Computers, 8(12). doi:10.4304/jcp.8.12.3257-3263