Muench’s article describes a fascinating episode in the history of epidemiology, in which crucial progress was made in identifying the causes of the ‘Blue Death’ (cholera) in 19th century England. The progress was from employing humoral and miasmic models of relevant epidemiology to a more modern and scientifically sound model....
One of the potential reactions of helping professionals to clients who have HIV/AIDS is stereotyping how the infection is acquired. This reaction can affect the perceptions of the helping professional about the relational and psychological impact of the disease while working with the client. For instance, the helping professional may...
Since the time HIV was discovered more than thirty years ago, more than 575, 000 U.S. citizens have the victims of AIDS. Statistics says that every year over 56,000 people become infected with HIV in the U.S. These days, more than 1.1 million U.S. citizens are living with this disease....
Throughout the world, people have been suffering for decades from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It is a non-discriminatory virus, which affects every class, race, and sex, making this a global issue that should spark everyone’s interest. Although scientific medicine has focused a large...
Opioid addiction is very difficult to treat successfully or permanently (Park & Friedmann, 1997). The use of opioid replacement therapy or partial opioid treatment to prevent relapse in persons in treatment for opioid addiction or opioid withdrawal has proven successful in many cases (Vo, Robbins, Westwood, Lezama, & Fishman, 2016)....
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