It is a common behavior for the travellers on a plane to rant about other people who take frequent bathroom breaks or the shouting and excited children on a long bus. However, most of them are short of proper etiquette skills because they may see it as an old-fashioned thing. It should be noted that good etiquette goes beyond setting a table and balancing of books. Adopting proper travelling manners is also part and parcel of good etiquette and should be practiced by all travellers. In addition to that, travellers should ensure that they read and understand the etiquette guides of their destination countries because etiquette rules from one country to another. By doing so, it will be easier for them to adapt easily to the social and cultural set ups of their visiting countries. In fact, running into troubles by eating with the left hand, wearing shoes into people’s house, and stepping on people’s legs in the countries of Saudi Arabia, Japan, and Nepal respectively will be avoided.
The following are some of the simple guidelines that you can follow to avoid creating points of interests like the person who was seating on seat number 21D:

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I. Personal space
Personal space of individual passengers tends to deteriorate because most passengers would want to pack as many travel items as possible to avoid running into unnecessary costs. Consequently, saving is not a bad idea but if it goes to an extent of denying your seat mate the privilege of enjoying his/her seating space it will not be a good behavior. It is advisable that you allow your seat mate at least 9 inches of space to provide the necessary travel comfort that he/she deserves. In addition to that, you should also avoid developing the behavior of arm rest and more so if you have taken the middle seat. Finally, avoid running loud noises that are likely to cause discomforts to your seatmates.

II. Hygiene
Personal hygiene is an obvious point to note during travelling. You should ensure that take a shower and put on decent clothing before taking your trip. Contrary to that, ensure that you use your perfume to a reasonable extent that may not affect your fellow passengers. Finally, avoid removing your shoes while on board to avoid causing unnecessary smell discomforts to the others.

III. Reclining the seat
Reclining your seat is a travel safety measure that cannot be avoided. However, you have to take the necessary precautions to ensure that you do not cause unnecessary disturbance to the passenger who may have taken the seat behind you. Therefore, it is advisable to watch back at the passenger to see what they are doing before readjusting your seat to a comfortable position. Contrary to that, your fellow passenger may be busy doing some things before they start travelling and by readjusting your seat with reconsidering what they are doing can cause unnecessary damages.

IV. Respect for elders
Respecting your elders is a good manner that is practiced by a proportionate number of people across the world. Nevertheless, giving up your seat to an old person is a common practice in the majority of Asian countries. However, some of the young generation are short of that manner and may even pretend to be in a deep sleep when they realize that an elder person is standing while they are seated. Surprisingly, you may realize that tourists will always give up their seats to elder people even though they are from different social backgrounds.

V. Travelling with kids
Travelling with kids is a challenge to most adults. Therefore, it is advisable that parents should watch over their children closely to ensure that they don’t cry and cause unnecessary noises that may create discomfort to the other passengers. In addition to that, they should take seats that are somehow spacious and accessible to the bathrooms to provide a comfortable environment for their children. They can as well buy them some snacks to make them happy and busy for long distance travelling.

VI. Dress
It is advisable that your dressing code should match that of the residents to avoid unnecessary curiosity during your journey. For the case of tourists, putting on the local clothing will create a sense of originality, thus avoiding unnecessary glances from the locals. Contrary to that, it should be noted that dressing code for religious areas are somehow strict and should be adhered to avoid whatsoever unnecessary discomforts.

VII. Eating
Most people eat while travelling. However, there are diverse rules on eating behaviors that differ from one country to another. Nevertheless, it is advisable that you avoid eating and sharing foods to your neighbors using your left hand because it is against the cultures of most social set ups around the world. Finally, it is an appropriate manner to eat whichever food that you are offered not forgetting to wish your neighbors well if your eye catches them eating.