It is important to note that Australia as a country has, for some good reasons, always been a tourist destination for many travelers, mostly in good part because of its natural and outstanding beauty. First, there is need to know the flights to and around Australia because many airlines in daily occasions fly to Australia where prices vary considerably, which implies that it pays to shop around for a flight. Secondly, a traveler will need a valid Australian visa to enter the country unless an individual is an Australian or a New Zealand citizen. Thirdly, a traveler must know that the Australian’s customs laws prohibit an individual from bringing into the country drugs, steroids, different types of weapons and protected wildlife (Loker-Murphy and Pearce, 2010). In addition to this, an individual’s medicine is subject to controls thus must be declared on arrival (Shaw and Leggat, 2003). Fourth, a traveler should know when to travel to Australia because the time chosen for the trip entirely depends on what part of the country a person is travelling to whether in the Southern hemisphere or the Northern hemisphere.
Fifth, a traveler should know that the Sun in Australia is extremely powerful especially when coming from more temperate regions. It is, therefore, important to know one’s body limitations and drinking enough fluids. Sixth, a traveler should know that the bio-security regulations are strict regarding the transportation of biological entities such as animal products, food, and plant materials thus failure to declare them may lead to hefty fine. Lastly, a person travelling to Australia should not worry too much about the wildlife but still be cautious when moving around (Taylor and Goldingay, 2010). Ideally, the country is well-known for having dangerous wildlife, such as those with more venomous creatures mainly found both inland and the coastal regions (Egerton and Lochman, 2009). Therefore, whenever a person intends to travel to Australia for a short or longer stay, then he or she should bare the above mentioned tips.

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  • Egerton, L., & Lochman, J. (2009). Wildlife of Australia. Allen & Unwin.
  • Loker-Murphy, L., & Pearce, P. L. (2010). Young budget travelers: Backpackers in Australia. Annals of tourism research, 22(4), 819-843.
  • Shaw, M. M., & Leggat, P. A. (2003). Country profile: travelling to Australia. Travel Medicine and infectious disease, 1(2), 126-133.
  • Taylor, B. D., & Goldingay, R. L. (2010). Roads and wildlife: impacts, mitigation and implications for wildlife management in Australia. Wildlife Research, 37(4), 320-331.