What is your performance gap or training problem statement?
The training problem statement is as follows: Training and development are increasingly vital to organizations in modern day society, particularly as organizations become increasingly global. Lack of training and develop can lead to performance gaps, including poor knowledge and skills gaps within the organization, leading to poor productivity and low levels of employee engagement and employee satisfaction (Marquardt 2009). Further, training gaps can lead to reduced productivity and loss of customers, which are essential to an organization’s ongoing performance and loyalty, whether one is interested in employee or customer loyalty (Marquardt, 2009). Management has a duty to fulfill the training needs of employees in the organization to help build culture and establish efficient processes.

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What skills and knowledge are required to perform the work?

The skills and knowledge needed to perform the work include knowledge of the organization’s mission and goals, along with knowledge of the specific job duties of each individual employee (Hall, 2008). Knowledge of the business, including the organizational history and the products and services offered are also required for employees to perform their work successfully (Marquardt, 2009). Knowledge of performance evaluations, and goal setting, may also be needed so employees know what is expected of them, and how they can work to meet management goals and to enhance their productivity in the short and long-term goals.

What are the measures of successful performance of the work?
Measures of successful performance of the work include increased productivity and efficiency. For example, increased productivity may be measured in terms of return on investment, and customer satisfaction (Hall, 2008). Reduced rate of errors may also be a measure of successful performance of the work performed by employees. Other measures of successful performance of work include employment surveys which measure employee skill level and job satisfaction on the job (Marquardt, 2009). The ability of employees to promote to other positions, or to cross-train and cover for other employees during absences, also demonstrates successful performance of work and achievement of training within the organization. Successful performance of work may also include customer reports of satisfaction with the organization and referrals of new customers to the organization.

Are people performing at the levels required?
To determine whether people perform at the levels required, first trainers must determine benchmarks for the levels expected for work performance. These may be determined by past performance, and by the level of skill employees have. New employees will be expected to perform at a different level than experienced employees (Hall, 2008). Employees with additional training or certification may be expected to perform at a higher level than employees that do not have the same certification. Performance goals can be set for teams and employees to ascertain the level of performance that individuals and teams are reaching to ensure that people are performing at expected levels. Where performance gaps exist, additional training or modifications in knowledge achievement may be created.

Is there under-performance for specific groups of employees?
Under-performance is indicated for new employees, as well as for teams that are new and not accustomed to working together. Under-performance is also indicated for teams that lack formal goals, and lack formal direction from strong management. In certain circumstances, teams are led by managers that have little training in their role. In circumstances like this, management training in setting goals and coaching employees may assist in developing performance for these employees (Marquardt, 2009). Working with employees that are under-performing to establish small goals and provide additional training will help to improve under-performance. Coaching, and establishing a buddy system will help employees will assist with peer and mentoring to help under-performers achieve at the best levels possible.

What are the causes of under-performance?
Causes of under-performance include lack of employee engagement, and lack of job satisfaction. Poor satisfaction can result from insufficient communication and training, along with dissatisfaction with compensation. These issues can be resolved when training directors and managers work with employees to develop specific goals related to performance (Hall, 2008). Employees should be monitored closely to ensure the organization is meeting their training and intrinsic motivational goals and needs. For employees seeking additional compensation, management can design a succession planning system that will allow employees to plot out a progressive system of employment progression over time (Marquardt, 2009). This will allow for greater compensation, and intrinsically assist in motivating employees in the short and long-term.

What training will help bridge the gap between the standards of performance needed and the actual performance?
Hands-on training will help bridge the gap between standards of performance needed and actual performance. Other training that will help bridge the gap includes activity-driven training and result-driven training (Marquardt, 2009). Results-driven training focuses on the strategic business goals of the organization, and assists employees in learning and development activities that will improve individual and team-based results when attempting to resolve problems and meet business needs (Marquardt, 2009). This approach may address gaps in the organization with the intent of brainstorming to resolve problems, and finding optimal resolutions to these problems.

Is there specific training that is needed in the training triad categories below?

Technical training
Technical training is required to instruct employees in the use of computer applications, report generation, and use of enterprise resource systems within the organization (Marquardt, 2009). Technical training may also entail training employees in specific corporate policies and procedures.

Business skills training
Business skills training includes training in policies and procedures within the organization. These policies and procedures include how to process invoices, and how to input time for processing payroll and receiving payment (Hall, 2008).

Human skills training
Human skills training needed includes customer service training that will help build loyalty among customers and may help build employee satisfaction (Hall, 2008). Human skills training may also involve training in empathy, and in problem-solving among employees and among customers and/or vendors.

What is the expected return on the investment (ROI)?

The return on investment from the proposed interventions includes an engaged culture, a reduced turnover rate among employees, and enhanced rate of satisfaction among employees and customers (Marquardt, 2009). This will result in enhanced profits over time. Loss of employees is often a very high cost among employers, with training costs sometimes resulting in the thousands of dollars (Marquardt, 2009). For this reason, with appropriate training, the ROI will result in tremendous advantage to the organization as a whole, and to employees and managers working in the organization.
What does success look like?
Success may look differently depending on the individual measuring success. For starters, success may be defined in terms of profits, particularly in terms of stakeholder measurements of success (Marquardt, 2009). Success manifests as employees that are actively engaged in the performance of the organization, and in self-performance (Hall, 2008). Creation of a successful employee culture, and a reduction in turnover may also be defined in terms of success, as may recruitment of high-caliber employees committed to the organizational mission, goals, and values. Success also manifests as customer satisfaction, and increased competitiveness within the organization.

Do you have a budget for the training development/course?

The budget for training development and courses will be limited mostly to internal training. A monthly budget of approximately $50/employee will be allocated to additional training, or approximately $600 each year, with exceptions made to certain employees based on their personal needs and the projected ROI of the training requested.
Any other relevant information?
Training is essential to the success of any company in the age of global competition. Training can enhance employee engagement and performance. This in turn can increase performance and enhance employee and customer loyalty. Training is among the most critical elements of organizational development, and one that Human Resources Managers and representatives can actively engage in with input and feedback from employees, managers, senior leadership, and customers alike. Research suggests that only 3 to 4 percent of current senior leadership and employees are satisfied with current training and learning functions within organizations (Hall, 2008). This merely attests to the significance of training and organizational development within the organization. Training continues to be an issue of high concern and critical relevance in modern organizations. Training may continue to be evolved to the point where it provides the support needed to create superior, high performance workplaces that translate into high-performance businesses.

  • Hall, B.S. The New Human Capital: Improving the Value of Your Most Important Asset. Boston, MA: AMACOM, 2008.
  • Marquardt, M.J. Human Resources and their Development, Volume 1. New York, NY: EOLSS Publications, 2009.