The focus of this paper is to recognize the top three career positions in the field of information technology. The positions described were gathered from career Internet sites that were in top demand for professionals pursuing a career in information technology. The positions will be discussed in detail with the job descriptions that are expected from the pursuant as well as the median salaries.
Following the job descriptions will be literature providing detail in the field of information technology. An author described the career expectation in information technology as a profession where the description of the job description changes as often as technology because there is no defined career path for individuals (Chang Boon Lee, 2002). Meaning, individuals interested in one of these positions cannot find specific course-work in the academic field because these careers are constantly changing due to new technology as well as the application for business.
Positions of the top three requested jobs in information technology were documented from three websites:,, and
The positions listed present different titles for the same position yet the descriptions are similar. For example, an IT Consultant profile in an organization has a title of Computer Systems Analyst in another organization. The job description for that position is as follows: the individual has extensive knowledge of information technology and the knowledge of the business operations. The applications of various information technology tasks are to coincide with the changing business operations and to make the company effective and efficient. The job description for this position would be for an individual who has current understanding of the information technology tools and would be able to apply those applications to the needs of the business. The individual has to know business operations of the organization and apply the daily operations as well as the future needs of that organization. The literature described by Chang Boon Lee (2002) is an example that individual has to have the experience of the current technical applications and the extensive experience to effectively mesh with operations from the daily activities of the business. The median salary for this job title is $82,000 to $96000 (
A second position provided at the top demand in the information technology field is a software developer. The software developer’s profile, as described by, is a person who is innovative and writes “code” for programs that are running on a Computer System either from scratch or to constantly modify to the needs of a function or organization. An example of this job would be a person who working as a company software developer. Changes are constantly taking place by either planning in regard to needs of computer software applications and the interactive use of customers. Customers in regard to this example may be internal as well as external. A computer programmer or software developer would make changes as needed for specific functions to be accomplished and working tasks easier for those internal customers. Working with a systems analyst, a position mentioned in the previous paragraph, observations could be addressed to change a specific function or application of a program that internal customers use daily. Instead of purchasing a software package, the software developer can tweak the current software to the specific needs of the internal user.
To improve recruiting efficiency, a process for human resources to scan candidates was integrated for a United Kingdom technology firm and opted to improve the recruitment process by improving their website (Pollitt, 2008). Talent recruitment was to become a recruitment process entirely online and this business trial is documented in the literature that the entire recruitment process, although adequate was to become more efficient with the online process (Pollitt, 2008). For this process to become a reality, the job of the software developer would have been to work with the current process that was considered adequate it to design a software package that would handle the recruitment of candidates by the human resource department from possibly a 25% electronic recruitment to 100%. This task would have been accomplished with the communication of the Computer Systems analyst and the software developer to meet the needs of the business goals. The median salary of a software developer is approximately $95500 (
A third position in demand in the information technology field is web developer. The web developer is responsible for all actions in regards to any web applications. The description of the position by states the web developer has to have good communication with their customers to maintain the changes needed for optimal business operation in regard to the Internet. This communication is needed so that the business can be in constant contact with their online customers so that any glitches that may occur would be addressed appropriately and immediately. For example, if the site should inadvertently crash, encounter a virus, or hacking the web developer has to address these issues to get the site back up and functional so the business does not lose customers due to mistrust in regards to computer and online operations.
The position requires the web designer to be well versed with the latest software programs and applications so that issues that may arise could be addressed. The biggest demand for this job description of web developer is not only for the business arena but demanding applications such as mobile technology for devices such as: tablets, android devices, and iPhone and iPad technologies ( The median salary for this job description is $63400.
Common factors in the three information technology career positions are: coursework and experience in computer and software applications, extensive knowledge of how of this technology can be integrated for applications, and the understanding of the customer’s needs for the technological application. The demand for these positions has increased over the past decade because businesses have the understanding to be successful the organization must adapt to the needs of their customers through information technology. But IT professionals develop their academic skills through interests of information technology from high school and often pursue the skills into college (McInerney et al., 2006). The business integration skills are derived from work experience of the company that would hire the individual.
- Chang Boon Lee, P. (2002). Career goals and career management strategy among information technology professionals. Career Development International, 7(1), 6-13.
- McInerney, C. R., DiDonato, N. C., Giagnacova, R., & O’Donnell, A.,M. (2006). Students’ Choice of Information Technology Majors and Careers: A Qualitative Study. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 24(2), 35-53. Retrieved from
- Pollitt, D. (2008). Online recruitment connects 3 with top talent. Human Resource Management International Digest, 16(4), 25-26.