This movie focuses on examining the industrial production of meat, particularly poultry, beef, and mutton. According to the movie, the meat is inhuman, and the production process does not concentrate on sustaining the economy and the environment. The second part of the movie evaluates the manufacturing of grains and vegetables, whereby it still holds that it is not reasonably and environmentally sustainable. The last part of the film discusses the powers of the economy and authority in terms of labeling as well as laws regulating the production of these foods. It is evident from the film that firms provide people with inexpensive but contaminated food. The regulations promote the utilization of petroleum-based chemicals as well as the unhealthy food consumption habits by the members of the public in the US.
The movie is full of surprising insights. It is crucial to state that what people believe is good from the US is not the best. The cheap food produced and sold is not healthy to consume. The chemicals that are utilized to produce them are not environmentally friendly. Besides, the government has given a deaf year to the harmful food being sold to its citizens, and there are no measures that are put in place to stop the production. The production is not only surprising, but also interesting to understand that the administration that is supposed to protect its people does not care.
It is imperative to note that this portion is necessary for gaining some insights concerning the foods many people would like to eat. Healthy food is fundamental as well as right to people. By being offered food that is contaminated, people are denied their right. If one watches the movie keenly, there are many questions that are left unanswered. For example, is the government aware of the harm it is causing to its citizens? Does it know the consequences of the food to the people as well as the economy? Are the companies aware of the corporate social responsibility that they are obliged to fulfil?