The Russian president Putin has continued his support to Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad by constantly launching series of attacks on the rebels rather than the terrorists as planned. The intervention by Russia in the ongoing civil war in Syria has made matters worse. The country has constantly vetoed the move by United Nations to find a solution for a lasting peace in Syria. The move has led to many individuals accusing Russia of fueling this war and resulting to failure for a meaningful solution. This war has now claimed lives of 160, 000 individuals. The war has also displaced millions of people in the country. The tension between U.S. and Russia has also escalated with Russia trying its best to block any strategy by United Nations to end this war. There are a lot of question being asked concerning Russia’s intervention in this war, and the failure of U.N to intervene in this war. However, what is apparent from this war is that Russia’s intervention in Syria to chase ISIS reveals the sustainability of the colonization-inspired right of interference of Western Powers in the Levant.

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What about international law? What does the UN say? And to which extent Russia is constantly blocking the UN progress? Why does Russia support Bachar Al-Assad’s regime, which interests?
What about the international law? The international Criminal Court (ICC) is incharge of cases of genocide and crime against humanities internationally. As result, UN has pushed for the international C criminal Court to take its course. However, Russia has done its best to block this move. What is UN saying? Russia’s intervention in the Syrian war has drawn the attention of many international bodies. The United Nations, through its secretary general Mr. Ban Ki-moon, pleaded for mutual understanding and unity between Russia and other countries. According to the leaders, the Syrian war is an extraordinarily brutal war which may jeopardize the UN credibility in case the international body fails to bring the war to an end. United Nations has also tried on different occasions to draft a resolution deal to have this case of Syria war forwarded to the International criminal court (Black). The intent of this body is to have the case investigated at this level to help in bringing peace in the country. However, this is a move which has been vetoed against by Russia and China. Russia has been involved deeply in derailing United Nations progress to take meaningful impact in curbing this war. The move to have the case taken to International Criminal court (ICC) has been vetoed by different countries. However, Russia has been the mastermind of this derailing move. But why is Putin supporting Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad? This is a leader who has been slummed by world leaders for enhancing atrocities and manslaughter in Syria. There different possibilities.

First, Syria provides an opportunity for Russia to have its power projected in this Middle East region. Also, Syria presents the only outpost of Russia in the region for its military machines. The last possibility is the sales of the military arms and numerous Russian’s debt that Syria is in (“Why Is Russia Still Supporting Assad?”).

Influence Sykes-Picot agreement and the Balfour Declaration…: the continuous influence of the West in the Levant: colonization is not over.

Note, Russia’s intervention and influence on the ongoing civil war in Syria seem to suggest that the western influence on the Levant is far from over. This region was influenced by a number of treaties and agreements during colonization. For instance, the Asia Minor agreement (Sykes-Picot Agreement) between Britain and France to dismember Ottoman Empire. This agreement was consented by Russia and it had an influence on Levant region. Also, the interference continued when British issued a Balfour Declaration during the World War I (Hammond). In this declaration, the British supported the allocation of Jewish people in Palestine as their home and a minor percentage of them in Ottoman.

In summary, the intervention by Russia on the ongoing war in Syria suggests that the western interference is still sustainable in the Levant as result of their power in the region. Russia has continued its support to the Syrian’s leaders despite pressure from the U.S and other bodies. It has been able to neutralize the power of UN and other bodies by vetoing their move for a solution in the region. Their interference is a continuation of the influence of western nations in this region since the World War I.

  • “Why Is Russia Still Supporting Assad?.” Why is Russia still supporting Assad?. N.p., 2018. Web. 7 Apr. 2018.
  • Hammond, Jeremy. “What Was The Balfour Declaration Of 1917 And Why Is It Significant?.” Foreign Policy Journal. N.p., 2018. Web. 7 Apr. 2018.
  • Black, Ian. “Russia And China Veto UN Move To Refer Syria To International Criminal Court.” the Guardian. N.p., 2018. Web. 7 Apr. 2018.