Art is one of the most adored modes of preserving culture. Culture has been said to be at the heart of any societal organization. Art may also be seen as a symbol of unity among people. Recognition of an artwork is a preservation of cultural beliefs of the people. It is also an economic value in terms of tourist attraction. This paper will delve into discussing the famous Wallace Collection museum. The paper will also go further and describe two portraits, giving deep and insightful details.

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The Wallace Collection is a national museum located in a London town house. It is considered by people as an iconic and historic place where historical artistry is preserved. It was established in 1897 from a collection by the founder Richard Wallace. It is located specifically at Hertford House at Manchester Squire. It was opened for public access in the year 1900. The Wallace Collection is composed of creative art display that is known across the globe. The paintings and art-work found were made between 15th to 19th Century. The art-work include but not limited to armour, old master paintings, porcelain, ceramics, sculpture, goldsmiths, miniatures and furniture among others. The art-work is well arranged and displayed in 25 galleries. Admission to the house is always free. On visiting the museum, no art-work is supposed to leave the museum house. The objects displayed are approximately 5, 500.

The building is made of glass walls that were modernized in the year 2000. There is a restaurant in the building that is run by Peyton and Byrne. The restaurant is French related and thus offer French related food staff. The building is partitioned into six departments. The departments house picture and miniature, sculpture and works of art, porcelain and gold boxes and ceramics and glass. Recent improvements reveal that other services such as venue hire are available. The venue has been designed in such a way that any event can be undertaken while still displaying the spectacular scenic art-work. For purposes of administration, there are event’s organizers and teams that are up to the task. The teams provide professional arrangements and organizations of the artwork. The events that have been undertaken in this particular venue have left lasting impressions on the people. The efficiency is such that the museum is always open and booking has been made extremely simpler. Both corporate and private events can be handled at the venue.

Apart from preserving art-work from famous artists, Wallace museum also has a department that deals with educating a wide range of audiences. The museum provides education programs for schools and visitors. Once on the visit, there are gallant gallery educators that are always at the site to educate people on the different categorization of the objects displayed at the museum, and teaching on the importance of preserving such objects. The site has also served as a good research center for persons pursuing higher education that relates to art. The museum thus has been a good educational site both on the learning fraternity and the populace at large.

It has been said that Wallace Museum represents some of the finest works of art in the whole world. The museum has among the oldest of all the art-works. This is because of its early establishment. The greatest artists have had their works preserved at the museum for the observance of culture. Another uniqueness that attends this museum is that it contains works, not only from the English painters but also from French, Italian and Spanish among others. It is therefore universal in terms of paintings from all over the globe. It represents diverse cultural affiliations from all over the world.

Perseus and Andromeda
The above presentation was by a very famous artist called Tiziano Vecelli. He was an Italian painter in the Venetian School. He lived in the 16th century. Born in Pieve di Cadore, he was known as the most versatile painters in his time. He was given a name ‘a sun amidst stars.’ For his coveted art-work that exhibited skills that were beyond reproach.

Perseus and Andromeda is one of the most significant works of Ttian. The painting was done in 1550s when he was in Venice. The painting was intended to be sent to King Philip II of Spain. The details of the paintings are as follows; Andromeda is shown chained to a rock ready to appease a sea monster. Andromeda was doing this so that Neptune would not punish her mother for saying that her daughters were more beautiful. Fortunately, Perseus in a swoop rescues Andromeda. The painting is made attractive by the coral drawings at the feet of the persons in the painting. Arousal is contributed by the nudity of the paintings. The technique employed by the artist is such that the helpless pose depicted by Andromeda drives the onlooker to be empathetic. The presentation therefore captures the eyes and emotionally moves the onlookers. These are the reasons why this specific presentation has been elected for the purpose of this report. It has been selected further due to its attractiveness and the vividness with which is displays. The colours selected have matched the scenario.

The portrait was carved by Jean-Antoine Houdon who lived between 1741 to 1828. He was a French sculptor who has been said to be one of the most talented during his time. He is accredited of producing several busts of several important persons during his time. His sculptures are prominent up to date and still ranks high in terms of creativity and liveliness.

The portrait captures Madame de Serilly’s bust. The hair, posture, smooth skin, the turn of the head depicts her beauty. The portrait is made of white marble. She was a daughter of a French army who was known for her beauty during her father’s regime. The portrait uses colour that is friendly to the eyes. It is more attractive to look at.

From the above reporting, Wallace Collection Museum has been at the heart of preserving art-work. Art-work is fundamental in many different ways. It is a preservation of people’s culture and social life. Secondly, the museum has been an education resource center. Many scholars who pursue the field of art always have a ready place for resource and research. It is thus an educational center. It also serves as a tourism center. Other economic organizations such as setting up cafes and venue halls for events are also undertaken. It is also a source of livelihood to many.

It can also be deduced from the submission that among the greatest works that feature there lie Tiziano’s Perseus Andromeda. It is one of the greatest works of the Italian. Another artist, Jean-Antoin is also remembered for his work, Madame de Serilly. For art-work to be appreciated by the audience, the same must capture the events of the day. The color must be applied skillfully and attractively. The Wallace Collection is thus the place to get all assorted art-work and by the most famous artists in the whole world. The entry is free. There are professionals who teach on all the objects displayed there.