There are many different issues that may occur that will impact the successful implementation of educational technology within an organization, including the ease in which the technology may be setup, and the ease of use of the technologies themselves. In order for the implementation of educational technology to be successful the product first must be easy to setup, what this means is that not only must it be easy to install, and setup on a network if needed, but it must also be compatible with the current system specifications that it is attempting to be used on. If, for example, the program itself is unable to be installed on a Linux based operating system, but the organization uses Linux machines only, the implementation of that technology becomes less feasible, as it means setting up specific computers with Windows based operating systems in order to use that technology, or changing over the operating systems on all machines, both of which may become costly for the organization itself. If the technologies, once installed, are not user friendly, as is the case with Blackboard when compared to Sakai, the adaptability of users to the program itself will become much more difficult, making individuals far less likely to be receptive to the training itself.
Perhaps one of the easiest educational tools for use within a workplace setting is Moodle, something that even colleges are switching over too, not just businesses, as it allows for the creation of a basic lesson, is easy to setup, and is easy for users to navigate through; because it is easy in all aspects, those who participate in educational programs using Moodle are more likely to retain the information, as opposed to simply being caught up in being frustrated regarding the program’s functionality itself. Hosting companies such as Hostgator, one of the largest hosting providers in the world, and colleges such as the University of California, Irvine, or even MIT’s Teacher Education Program are all utilizing Moodle instead of creating their own training modules or using outdated and cumbersome teaching software like Blackboard.

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Moodle is used for the creation of training courses, regardless of whether it is done in an educational or a workplace setting, as may be seen by some of the institutions and companies that are implementing this new technology. It is easy for the instructor to set permissions of those who have higher roles, like the instructor and a teacher’s assistant, or assistant trainer, versus the students themselves, whose permissions would be set at a lower setting and would not have access to certain areas, including the inputting of grades, the creation of tests, or the ability to see the answers to the tests. Tests may be interactive, may be multiple choice, or may be short or long answer, and are fully customizable. It is for these reasons that this particular program has become one of the fastest adopted new technologies available, regardless of industry; it is not only easy for the students to use, but it is easy for the instructors to use as well. Students may login to the sections from home or from a designated location, depending on how the course is setup, and depending on whether or not the institution implementing the program wishes the course to be completed only during hours while in training, or whether a school wants students to be able to work from anywhere.

Moodle allows for the availability of bypassing the two primary reasons why educational technologies tend to fail in implementation, may be used in any setting, workplace and educational alike, and allows for an ease and convenience that has not yet been surpassed by any of the new technologies that are coming out on the market today. It is a technology that is appropriate to use in any educational or workplace setting, and it has taken the negative aspects from its predecessors, casting them to the side and has returned with an easy to use, easy to navigate tool which serves the purposes of all organizations.