In the New Testament, there was a Jewish woman referred to as Mary Magdalene who was one of the disciples of Jesus. She was also known as Mary Magdala which indicated that she came from a city on the Southwest of the Galilee Sea. She became Jesus follower after He cast seven demons from her. Mary Magdalene was among the women present during the crucifixion of Jesus. It is believed that she was present during the resurrection of Jesus. She then went ahead to talk the Good News to the people about that phenomenon (Brock 23). The Bible also points out that Mary was intendance when Jesus was being mocked.

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According to the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran, Mary Magdalene was considered to be a saint and celebrated with a dinner. Other faiths celebrate Mary Magdalene as a heroine because of her deeds. However, during the middle periods, the western Christian faith regarded her as a prostitute because they believed she had an affair with the disciples of Jesus. It was believed, nevertheless, that Mary was Jesus’ favorite disciple. Some controversies have surrounded Mary Magdalene as some sources have said that she was Jesus’ companion and brought about tension and suspicion between her and the other followers (Brock 25).

The book of Romans is also referred as the ‘Letter to the Romans’ which is also the sixth book of the New Testament. It was agreed by the Biblical scholars that the book was inscribed by Paul to explain to believers that salvation is important and that people should heed the teaching of Jesus. He wrote in the AD 57 to the Romans immediately after Nero ascended the throne of the Rome Emperor. This epistle is the part which catches the eye of the pure evangelists in the book of Roman (Pickett 24). This is because it highlights the deeds that people are involved in which he says will later haunt those who practice. He terms the society as one which is full of adultery and corruption. Paul says that it has become difficult for people to heed by the commandments of God. In this letter, Paul wants the sinful Romans to know that God is just and He will forgive and accept them. As he was guided by the Holy Spirit, he denounces all sinners and pleads with them to change their ways as God was watching and he will punish them. He offers himself to be a channel of hope and faith to preach and teach the people of Rome the ways of God (Pickett 45). The book of Romans also talks about God, who He was and what He had done.

Jerusalem is a town situated at the mountains of Judea and is stationed between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Both Israelites and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital. The City was called Urusalima on antique Mesopotamian cuneiform tabloids. This was during the periods of the Canaanites. It is believed that it is during the 9th century that rampant construction activities took place in the city of Jerusalem (Jones 47). In the 8th century, the city had started to develop religious affiliations which later came to be referred as the Kingdom of Judah. The city is also considered a holy city which accommodated the three Abrahamic religions; Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. According to the Bible, David invaded Jerusalem and conquered the Jebusites and later recognized the town as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel. In relation to him conquering the city, it acquired the name ‘City of David’.