Born in the 6th Century B.C. in Nepal, Buddha was a spiritual leader and the teacher whose life activities serve as a strong foundation of the present-day Buddhist religion. The historical life of Siddhartha Gautama is debated among different scholars. Some of the scholars argue that he did not live while a large number of scholars have proved that he indeed lived in Nepal from 6th Century B.C. to 4th Century B.C. given that his father was the king who ruled the whole tribe. Buddha was able to grow up in the palace with good life as compared to other children who were suffering it the outskirts of Shakyas the present-day Nepal due to poverty. He grew up with only his father because his mother died seven days after giving birth to him. It was prophesized that Buddha will either become a great religious priest or a very strong military man despite losing his mother at a very early age. His father decided to build opulence for him in order to keep him away from the misery and the sufferings of the world. The father wanted to raise his son in a different way so that he could become an important person in future. Buddha married at the age of 16 years according to the community’s customs but he continued with his seclusion life for a period of 13 years.

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At the age of 29 years, Buddha left the palace to meet his subjects despite the efforts of his father to keep him away from the society. At this age, he had little experience about the outside world because he had spent all his early life hidden in the temple. He started teaching his subjects on religious matters for a period of six years. Through his teachings, he talked about four signs that people have to look out and respect. The signs included the following. The first sign was based on a tradition that says that previously Siddhartha came out fortress his father would organize the course in such way that nothing associated to grief could stand in his way. In one of his trips he came across an old man with grey hair, emaciated, and with a wrinkly face with rags on. He asked one of his subjects to explain what he was seeing and he was told that people normally get old. This was a sign of poverty. The second and third signs came when Siddhartha was in his trips when he had someone crying for help. He turned around and saw a man deceitful on the pulverized and twisting his physique in the dust. From this sign, he realized the futility of human flesh. The last sign happened when he was traveling towards the royal Gardens and met a man dressed in roles. After observing the monk closely he saw a calm individual who had a peace of mind. He discovered that human beings can have peace in prayer. He then started preaching about Buddhism saying that it is the only solution to human suffering.

Buddha also discovered the following four noble truths that taught his people about. The first truths that he talked about focused on suffering and self-view. He discovered denial suffering, morality and compassion, and pleasure and displeasure. He said that all human beings have to pass through sufferings and pleasures of the world. Secondly, he discovered the three kinds of desire; grasping, letting go, and accomplishment. The third truth was about impermanence which, involved mortality and cessation, allowing things to rise and realization. Lastly, he focused on the truth about the right to understanding, speech, and life. He said that all individuals have a right to live.

Buddha also taught about the sangha and Bodhi tree. In these teachings, he said that all his subjects had to respect the Bodhi Tree because it is a holly tree that represents Buddhism. On the other hand, the Sangha was a special ritual that was supposed to be observed by all people. Additionally, Buddha taught about nirvana that was symbolized by lighting three candles. The candles were to represent a sign of ignorance, anger, and greed. These three fires were to cause suffering and the re-birth of dukka after being extinguished. Generally, the whole life of Buddha focused on religious teachings and this led to the development of the Buddhist religion Southwest Asia.