According to several research based studies and reports, the Iroquois confederacy was one of the historical government systems which were formed in around early 1100 especially in North America (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). The structure and organization of this government influenced the activities and practices of the government of the United States in a number of ways (Abler, 2000). For example, the Iroquois confederacy government systems consisted of five United Nations or states. This government also had well-developed and effective rules, procedures and policies for making major decisions in the government (Abler, 2000). In most cases, the Iroquois confederacy was based on diversity of services and cultures as well as promotion of equality of all individuals in the society thus demonstrates high levels of democracy (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). The Iroquois confederacy government also showed a lot of respect to women and individuals from other cultures in the society (Abler, 2000).

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Furthermore, some of the nations or states that formed the Iroquois confederacy included the Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida as well as Onondaga and the Cayuga (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). In the Iroquois confederacy government system each state was allowed to keep its own culture, language as well as its own territory (Abler, 2000). It is also true and clear that before the establishment of the confederacy these states were fighting various conflicts and wars against each other but later after joining their aim was to promote peace and unity among them (Pratt, 1996). Historically, the founding leaders of these nations was known as Dekanawidah which means the peacemaker and his aim was to promote policies of peace and unity among these states (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). In addition, an alliance and agreement was made between these nations in order to promote peace, respect and to provide proper support among these nations (Abler, 2000). The alliances and the agreements made led to the end of war and the formation of the Iroquois confederacy. In the confederacy each nation was assigned a different and specific roles (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). For example, the Mohawk was to protect the nations from the eastern. In early 1702, the Tuscarora join the Iroquois confederacy especially due to European settlement in their region (Pratt, 1996The Iroquois confederacy was also based on clan ruling system and the clan peace making procedures are still used today in the confederacy (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). The clans were also based on matri-lineal and members of clans consisted of family members and lived in long-house. In the Iroquois confederacy society women were given opportunity to participate in major activities and procedures in the society (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). There were also clan mothers and women’s councils. The structure of the Iroquois confederacy government system consisted on men and women councils who made major decisions concerning sharing of resources and other materials in the society (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). Therefore, it is true and evident that in the Iroquois confederacy society both men and women were allowed to contribute their views and perspectives towards matters affecting the society (Abler, 2000). The Iroquois confederacy government also demonstrated high levels of fairness, equity and respect towards all people in the society thus the United States government borrowed a lot from the Iroquois confederacy government systems (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015).

The 1776 and Influence of Iroquois Confederacy on Structure of US Government
The Iroquois confederacy government systems contributed towards a number of democratic practices in the US government (Abler, 2000). For example, recent research studies and reports indicate that the structure of the Iroquois confederacy inspired and promoted the development of the United States of America constitution (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). The formation of a strong united states in the America was also an idea borrowed from the Iroquois confederacy government systems. The high levels of democracy, diversity, fairness and respect of other cultures embraced by the US government was also mainly borrowed from the Iroquois confederacy government systems (Abler, 2000). The great rule and policies of peace and unity of the Iroquois confederacy government systems also forms the basis of high levels of women respect and protection of individuals rights in the current US government systems (Iroquois Confederacy, 2015). Therefore, it is true and evident that high levels of democracy, respect of different cultures, promotion of women rights and high levels of equity and fairness in the US society were mainly borrowed from the Iroquois confederacy government systems.

  • Abler, T. S. (2000). The Great Law and the Longhouse: A Political History of the Iroquois Confederacy. Ethno-history, 47(2), 483-491.
  • Iroquois Confederacy. (2015). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1-2.
  • Pratt, S. L. (1996). The Influence of the Iroquois on Early American Philosophy. Transactions Of The Charles S. Peirce Society, 32(2), 274.