In the global world where large scope processes that determine human lives occur with no or little interference from people, one may wander whether their individual life has any effect on the world and its future. Yet, no matter how distant and independent many global tendencies may seem, small routine choices individual people make in their daily life do add up and determine how the world turns out on the large scale, which is especially true when it comes to protecting environment and reducing the harm our lifestyle causes for the planet. Among other steps, committing to systematically recycling and reducing the amount of trash we produce contributes to healthier and cleaner planet on the global scale.

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Recycling reduces the amount of toxic waste damped into our landfills. Modern life produces a lot of by-products, like, wraps and packages, broken and outdated stuff, as well as food waste, that end up piled up in the landfills, preventing ecosystems around them from normal functioning and polluting the ground, water, and air by various released substances. Recycling reduces the amount of trash that ends up in the landfill.

Systematic recycling creates alternative resources for producing glass, plastic, paper, and fertilizers instead of relying solely on vanishing natural resources. Supplying at least part of resources for producing goods from recycled materials reduces the amount of natural resources used for satisfying certain disposable needs like paper cups, and plastic bottles. Recycling, increases the amount of alternative resources available for catering production.

Thirdly, recycling reduces the amount greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere, which is the primary cause of global warming. Both landfills and trash incineration plants produce large amounts of carbon dioxide as well as other toxins that contribute to climate change and other environmental problems. Further, recycling used materials reduces the amount of fossil fuels used for processing virgin natural resources, hence, also reducing the amount of greenhouse emissions. Therefore, systematic recycling reduces one’s environmental footprint and reduces one’s contribution to the pressing issue of climate change.

Skeptics may argue that individual commitment to recycling would not do much of a difference. However, even one recycling household can significantly reduce the amount of trash it produces per year and make a valuable contribution to alternative resources movement. Most importantly, whenever one commits to recycling, he sets a positive example for friends and neighbors that might just see that this is something they too can do, thus, increasing the positive impact.

Drawing conclusions, recycling helps to reduce the amount of trash that ends up in the landfills, creates alternative resources to be used for production instead of natural resources, and reduces greenhouse emissions which contribute to global warming. Appearing as a small step, recycling may indeed have an accumulating positive global effect as time passes and as more people are inspired to commit to recycling by someone’s example.