Review of the article “Workplace bullying: costly and preventable.”
Terry Wiedmer in the article describes bullying as a pervasive action practiced by malicious people whose aim is to control, subjugate, seek power and monitor domination. Additionally, bullying that happens in schools and businesses creates costly and unpreventable incidences that inhibit the efficient participation of various activities both internal and externally of the work environment. The article insists that both senior and executives in businesses and schools need to provide responsible and efficient ways of sustaining and creating bully-free environments’. Besides, the most effective way of controlling bullying in the work environment is to engage employers and employees into the establishment of a more stable workforce which implements relevant policies and practices, which allow for work efficiently (Wiedmer, 2010).

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The article evaluates information concerned with work places based on bullying, prevalence, bullying behaviors, steps to prevent bullying, target individuals and employer practices that effectively control bullying. The information from the article gives insights on the best practices relevant for managed bullying and controlled employer-employee relationships. Additionally, leadership at businesses and schools need to promote an encouraging environment that respects and provides ultimate benefits for employees and employers through controlled, stopped workplace bullying.

Witnessed workplace bullying
The witnessed workplace bullying involved a male manager and a female employee who engaged in a severe abusive exchange. The manager had made sexual advances to a junior female employee who resisted sexual advances because she was married. The manager opted to humiliate and induce harm to the female employee in the organization as a way to revenge and harm the employee. It a way of harassment because of offensive misconduct and threating habits that made the female employee quit her job and seek employment elsewhere(Branch, Ramsay & Barker, 2013). The repeated and harm full mistreatment of the manager to his junior was offensive through verbal confrontations and work environment interference which prevented the employee from delivering her services effectively at the work place.

According to the article, the kind of bullying I witnessed relates to the articles descriptions because of the involvement of the boss, target to women and increased suffering related to stress and health problems. The involvement of the activities above based on the article relates to the kind of bullying witnessed in an organization(Wiedmer, 2010). Male bosses target women especially for sexual favors and end up bullying and creating stressful engagements at the work place. Additionally, the bullying ends up creating health-related problems to the victims because of stressful engagements and incorporation of abusive language within illegal perceptions as forms of harassments. The bullying of both men and women at the work place creates anxiety and lack of service delivery because of stress and health-related problems, which affect the majority of the victims (Nielsen et al.2014). The bullying I witnessed related to the articles presentation because of debilitating anxiety, posttraumatic stress, panic attacks and clinical depression in the event of harassment. The bullying witnessed, and the article presentation relates to the creation of unfavorable work environment.

Techniques for positive impact in work place bullying
Managers and supervisors need to understand the elements that amount to bullying and recommend the best strategies to prevent such incidences. The identification of the forms of bullying needs to be addressed to all employees and consequences well outlines to prevent such occurrences. The laying out of the forms of bullying and ways of handling such practices to the employees and employers in an organization assists in managing and controlling incidences of bullying in a group.

Besides, managers and supervisors need to develop and implement policies for civilized work places that are effective and relevant for employees and employers (Wiedmer, 2010).

  • Branch, S., Ramsay, S., & Barker, M. (2013). Workplace bullying, mobbing and general harassment: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(3), 280-299.
  • Nielsen, M. B., Magerøy, N., Gjerstad, J., & Einarsen, S. (2014). Workplace bullying and subsequent health problems. Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforening: Tidsskrift for practice medicine, my rake, 134(12-13), and 1233-1238.
  • Wiedmer, T. (2010). Workplace bullying: Costly and preventable. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 77(2), 35-41.