IntroductionCanada is one of the countries where sports have contributed to the success of those who pursue it. In essence, there are several types of games that students and professionals focus in Canada. Some of the most common include football, basketball, baseball, athletics, field events, and volley ball. Athletics is one of the sports that has made Canada shine across the globe. For instance, the just concluded Rio Olympics saw Canada shine through the fabulous performance of their representatives. Analysis of the success of Usain Bolt in sports will be vital in explaining the impacts of sports in a student’s life, especially in Canada. Usain Bolt’s running techniques have been essential in his successful career. Some of the most common events that he has shined include the Beijing Olympics and World Championship in Berlin. In essence, the majority of the people consider that Bolt’s phenomenal athleticism is more natural.

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However, a closer analysis indicates that his combination of strength, power, endurance, speed and coordination skills have been vital in his success. Varlet and Michael state that he is considered as a talented sprinter because of his speed and impressive power. His strength, speed, and power are reinforced by his height which is 6’5. In the just completed Rio Olympics, Usain Bolt emerged as the winner in the 100-meter race defending his title as the fastest man in the world. In this event, he clocked the speed of 27.7 meters per hour. As such, this makes him the third fastest creature in the world after the cheetah and grey wolf with 70mph and 35mph respectively. As such, his ability to combine power, strength, endurance, power, and coordination has been elemental.

Sports Scholarships in University
Gould & Carson (2008) claim that it is imperative to note that currently several organizations are interested in athletes and other sports people. One of the advantages of engaging in sports is that the reputation of the University enhances. As such, the institution will be considered as highly competitive. In that connection, such institutions as University try as much as possible to provide a scholarship for their students. This is beneficial in two ways for the student. Firstly, by engaging in sports, the student is entitled to some allowance and participation fee. This means that sports play a vital role in boosting the financial standards of students in Canada. Secondly, sports provide the students with the opportunity to travel not only across the country but also abroad. For instance, there are times when the University organizes inter-university sports competitions. Students, therefore, have to travel to various places. In the process, they are exposed to new environments, ideas, and other things. As well, this is a golden opportunity to interact with friends and other students.

Chances of Getting a Scholarship and Impact of Scholarship on a Student
Luoto et al., (2014) propose that engaging in sports enhances the chance of students being sponsored. Currently, various sports organizations link education with sports. For instance, several athletes have been sponsored and taken to other countries to study. As well, they have the chance to represent these organization in sports. There are several implications of such sponsorship deals. On the positive side, one of the primary importance is that the financial status of the student changes. This is mainly because they are compensated well. As well, the sponsored students are entitled to numerous other benefits. Some of the most common include free education, free meals, and free healthcare. The second advantage is that the family of the sponsored students changes positively. The funds that the sponsored students get to send some of them to be used by the family. In addition to the above, sponsorship provides the students with the chance to visit new places, make new friends, and enjoy themselves.

On the downside, sponsorship deals may expose students to new and unfavorable environments. It may take a long time to adapt to the new place. As well, sports sponsorship deals may separate the sponsored with their families, friends, and the community. This means that it may take long for such students to settle emotionally. Another challenge with sports sponsorship is that it expose the students to a new culture. Cultural change may negatively affect the behavior of the sponsored child. In this connection, it is clear that though the chances of being sponsored are high, students who participate in sports should be keen on the potential implications.

Health Issues with Sports Ex. Injuries
Rodriguez, DiMarco, & Langley, (2009) maintain that it is imperative to note that there are several characteristics of sports that make them good for health. Defining these characteristics of sports plays a vital role in understanding them. Strength is the first component that determines a competitive athlete or any sportsperson. According to CBS Sports, this is the capability of performing a given task regardless of the available time. An individual is deemed strong if he or she can finish the task successfully without being bothered of the time factor. Absolute strength is what makes athletes complete races effectively. This means that as students participate in sports, they engage in other activities that make them strong. In that connection, the rate in which the burn calories is high making them very healthy. All sports involve physical activity, and this is a good way of natural burning unwanted fats in the body. This is the best way to prevent lifestyle diseases such as obesity. As such, the Canadian students who engage in sports have a better chance of avoiding life style diseases.

Power is another characteristic of the sport that is linked with health. Power represents how quick an individual can complete the given task when time is factored in. The starting power, reactive power, and optimal power combined determines the competitiveness of the athlete. Endurance is a characteristic that combines both the person’s strength and power. Thus, this is the ability to complete the given task successfully without giving up. In the process of engaging in sports, students develop power, especially in the muscles. In the process of developing this power in sports such as football, athletics, and volley ball they enhance their health standards.

On the other hand, speed as well is the crucial characteristic that differentiates athletes. Luoto et al., (2014) verify that this is the ability to increase the velocity in which the task given is completed successfully. In athletics, speed is analyzed in two crucial aspects namely acceleration and maximal speed. Coordination is the capability or skill of transitioning from one subtask to another all making up to the complete task. In athletics, coordination of the muscles determines who is best in coordination and who needs improvement. Thus, it is clear that engaging in sports promotes the health of the students as they enhance their speed, power, coordination, and other skills. However, as the students train or participate in sports, it is imperative to encourage them to be keen not to be injured. This is mainly because injuries cannot only affect their studies but also their lives. As well, sports organizations should be encouraged to have competent medical teams to ensure that issues concerning injuries are solved with immediacy.

Drug Usage in Sports
According to Gould & Carson (2008) on the global and local levels there are several issues regarding the use of drugs in sports. The major sport in which drugs have been abused is athletics. There are several cases whereby athletes are found guilty of using drugs mainly to advance their performance. There are several examples of such situations not only in Canada but also across the globe. An example of a drug abuse case in athletics involved Justin Gatlin. He is another competitive athlete that has been representing the United States of America mainly in 100 meters’ flat event. On the downside, he is one of the athletes that has encountered numerous challenges in his career largely due to drug abuse. In 2006, he suffered a doping ban that saw his career negatively influenced. This is a good lesson for the Canadian students who wishes to join sports. Practice and training is the only valid option to enhance performance. Shortcuts such as use of drugs are not allowed and it can end up ruining one’s sports career. In addition to the above, it is imperative to note that most of the drugs have adverse side effects on the user. Therefore, students should be disciplined and ensure that they do their sports naturally without abusing drugs.

Despite the challenges that Justlin went through in his career, he never lost hope a clear indication of utilization of endurance as a characteristic of athletics. He has been in the forefront competing with the most celebrated Jamaican, Usain Bolt. He has the power, speed, and strength just like Usain Bolt. In the just completed Rio Olympics, Gatlin emerged second just 0.08 second behind Usain Bolt. This is a clear indication that he matches Bolt’s super speed, strength, and power enabling him to win silver. In that connection, students should copy such competition and discipline in sports. Even if they face difficulties and challenges in the process in engaging in sports, they should not give up.

Pursuit of Sports in University Will Pay Off In Life in General and in University
According to Rodriguez, DiMarco, & Langley, (2009) it is clear that there are several implications of engaging in sports at the school. Firstly, participating in sports enhances the chance of students being sponsored. Presently, there are various sports organizations who link education with sports. For instance, there are several athletes who have been sponsored and taken to other countries to study. As well, they have the chance to represent these organization in sports. There are several implications of such sponsorship deals. On the positive side, one of the primary importance is that the financial status of the student changes. This is mainly because they are compensated well. As well, the sponsored students are entitled to numerous other benefits. Some of the most common include free education, free meals, and free healthcare. The second advantage is that the family of the sponsored students changes positively. The funds that the sponsored students get send some of them to be used by the family. In addition to the above, sponsorship provides the students with the chance to visit new places, make new friends, and enjoy themselves.

Recommendations and Conclusion
In conclusion, it is precise that sports play a crucial role in a student life. First, it enhances the chances of students being sponsored. When they are sponsored, their financial status change, the visit new places, socialize, and improve their families. Sports also enhances their health since the activity promotes faster break down of calories. This ensures that students are free from life style diseases such as obesity. Therefore, students in Canada should be encouraged to participate in sports. One day they can be stars like Usain Bolt. However, it is recommended that they should be disciplined and ovoid drug abuse as they struggle to shine in various sports.

  • Gould, D., & Carson, S. (2008). Life skills development through sport: Current status and future directions. International review of sport and exercise psychology, 1(1), 58-78.
  • Luoto, T. M., Silverberg, N. D., Kataja, A., Brander, A., Tenovuo, O., Öhman, J., & Iverson, G. L. (2014). Sport concussion assessment tool 2 in a civilian trauma sample with mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of neurotrauma, 31(8), 728-738.
  • Rodriguez, N. R., DiMarco, N. M., & Langley, S. (2009). Position of the American dietetic association, dietitians of Canada, and the American college of sports medicine: nutrition and athletic performance. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(3), 509-527.