The human resource recruitment process is extensive and also essential as it ensures that companies worldwide are provided with a high level of capability from a personnel perspective. The more comprehensive and also efficient a human resource process is, the better the talent and capability a company is provided with. This paper will evaluate a number of different aspects of the human resource recruitment process including the following: 1) Personnel Policies 2) Internal vs External Recruiting 3) Job security 4) Extrinsic and Intrinsic Reward 5) Image Advertising and finally, 6) Recruitment sources. The main focus of this paper will be on capability and how these many and varied aspects of human resource management contribute towards a higher level of capability for any business worldwide.

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Personnel policies with respect to heightening the level of capability provided to worldwide businesses are crucial. They encompass standards and restrictions that not only monitor employees and potential candidates but also look after them. The main goal of personnel policies is to promote capability and also loyalty amongst workplace employees. An example of a personnel policy is a “Code of Ethics” which is enforced in most businesses (Sankari et al, 2015). This code of ethics looks after employees by encouraging ethical and fair working behaviors and also includes certain punishments for instances where unethical behaviors are observed. They also ensure that race, ethnicity and personal backgrounds are taken into account when hiring and employing every individual. Another example of a personnel policy is a guideline for working hours and productivity levels (Hendry, 2008). This guideline enforces human capital within a company to be productive and to ultimately provide the company with a high level of capability. Without such guidelines, employees would not be perceived a valuable commodity and productivity and loyalty levels would be considerably lower resulting in lower levels of success and capital for the company overall.

Internal versus external recruiting is also significant with respect to heightening level of capability within a particular organization. Internal recruiting is defined as the process in which candidates already employed by the organization are considered for a position. For example, within a large bank, a department may choose to employ someone from another department rather than look externally, which could require more time and money (Hendry, 2008). It is advantageous in the sense that the organization is already assured that the individual will provide a level of capability as shown previously in the other department and there is a high level of confidence drawn from the other department and company overall. However external recruiting can be perceived as being more advantageous as it allows the company to source potential candidates from a larger candidate pool and with potentially higher levels of experience. Individuals drawn from other companies may have certain attributes that internal employees do not and this can be very advantageous and significant to the capability of human capital within the particular organization (Krell, 2015).

Job security is a must with respect to maintaining a high level of capability within an organization. Employees need to have assurance that their employment will be maintained for a prolonged period of time and job security suitably entails a lengthy contract with these specifications included within it (Noe et al, 2015). For example, a binding contract will ensure that the company receives a high output over a certain period of time (especially if the company has trained the individual) and in return, the employee is assured of employment for an extended period of time. In regards to capability, investment on return is essential and job security ensures that both parties are held in high regard and receive a high return for what they paid for or spent time doing throughout a particular time period (Noe et al, 2015).

Extrinsic and intrinsic reward is also another human resource management process that ensures a company is provided with a highly productive output from its human capital. Extrinsic and intrinsic reward both ensure that a company’s employees are content with the company and are willing to provide a high level of commitment for a prolonged period of time. For example, intrinsic reward may be a bonus or a pay rise for a high level of productivity or competence from a particular employee (Ekuma & Akobo, 2015). In many situations, companies may reward all of their employees with bonuses in order to inspire a higher level of productivity across all departments. Extrinsic rewards may focus on incentives that allow the individual to attend to other aspects of their life. For example, an invitation to a particular event or a film may be regarded as an extrinsic reward.

Image advertising inspires higher levels of capability as it makes the company appear more attractive to potential candidates and employed individuals. If employed individuals feel as though they are working for a premiere company, then they may be willing to provide a higher level of capability and commitment towards the particular organization (Noe et al, 2015). For example, a company may present to a candidate as one of the top financial firms simply through its workplace image and how it presents to external companies and employers.

Recruitment sources are also a way in which a company can increase its level of capability. It allows the human resource department of the company to source more candidates from a larger pool (Sankari et al, 2015). Differing recruitment sources provide the company with access to an untouched pool of talent that other companies have never had access too. For example, referrals from other sources are essential as they provide the company with hidden talent and individuals who already have a proven track record.

  • Ekuma, K, Akobo, L. (2015). Human Resource Management Ethics and Professionals’ Dilemmas: A Review and Research Agenda. Human Resource Management Research, (3), 47-57, Retrieved from Accessed on 12th March, 2016.
  • Hendry, C. (2008). Human Resource Management: A strategic approach to employment. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York,Text, Retrieved from Accessed on 12th March, 2016.
  • Krell, E. (2015). Weighing Internal vs. External Hires. SHRM, Retrieved from Accessed on 12th March, 2016.
  • Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B, Wright, P. (2015). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive advantage. (9th ed). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
  • Sankari, A et al. (2015). The Effects of Demographic Attributes on Work Outcomes: A Study of the Lebanese Labor Market. Human Resource Management Research, 5(2), 33-39, Retrieved from Accessed on 12th March, 2016.