A study carried out recently shows that half of the world population which is almost 4.8 billion people will be affected by the nearsightedness. This is a condition which affects the eye where one can be able to view distant objects clearly but cannot be able to see near ones. This condition affects children and adults and it affects all places of the world. It is estimated that 10 percent of the population is prone to this condition. Too much use of computers, cellphones and other electronic materials are cited as the main causes of this disease. This condition affects everyone regardless of the place one lives in. Myopia condition is attributed to factors such as genetics, environmental factors and lifestyle whereby people are more used to close viewing of things and less outdoor time. Naido argues that high pressure education system whereby students use near electronic devices in countries such as Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and China are more like to be affected by this epidemic
Some people argue that looking at a further distant may cause the retina to produce chemicals which may bring about this condition. According to Naido, having a break from too much indoor activities is the best way to prevent this disease. Moreover, children should have regular eye check-ups to avoid nearsightedness. People should have a healthy lifestyle by exercising and avoid spending too much time on their computers. Students in school should be given a healthy diet and given time to exercise away from their classrooms to prevent them from suffering from such eye problems. Too much watching and playing computer games is not advisable to children. In conclusion, a healthy diet, spending sometime outdoor and spending less time in front of computers and televisions is the best prevention measure for everyone.

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