Is going green a sustainably initiative for the UAE? In 2012, the UAE proposed a go green initiative that was focused on the promotion of an environmentally sustainability and work for the UAE inhabitants that is both feasible and decent. The initiative was initially introduced in 2012 by “Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bins Rashid Al Maktoum” (Green, 2016). Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum deemed classified the initiative as the Green Economy for Sustainable Development. The primary goal of the UAE green initiative is to become a global leader in exporting and re-exporting green goods and technologies, while simultaneously creating a consistent and sustainable environment that achieve economic growth and longevity (Green, 2016). Some methods that this initiative will promote sustainability is gathering the support of the public and encouraging them to participate in indoor and outdoor activities that conserve water, electricity, and other resources. In addition to the aforementioned, outdoor activities, also encourage the public to engage in healthy activities that increase the quality of life while conserving resources. Though the intention of the go green initiative is to improve the environment and lifestyle of the UAE inhabitants, there are challenges that are also contrasting to the benefits that the initiative promotes. Some of these challenges are associated with regulations, and the implementation of laws pertaining to going green. An example of a regulating that has posed, as a threat to the green initiative is the new pearl rating system. This system is designed to monitor the resources that are used and to ensure that people remain in compliance with the use of resources in green code buildings. Though this has been received welcome, the challenge associated with green buildings is the cost of upkeep and maintenance. On the other hand, this has yielded minimal threat with the increase in LEED projects in the UAE that have increased to 750 in 2014 (Al Abbar, 2015). The purpose of this report is to conduct primary and secondary research that will identify the benefits and challenges associated with the UAE Green Economy for Sustainable Development initiative. The structure of this report will include a literature review, the presentation of primary research, research objectives, and methodology, results/discussions of the findings, conclusion, and recommendations on managing the barriers to of the green sustainable development initiative.
The UAE decision to implement a go green initiative was driven by the attempt to aide in the betterment of the environment and to create jobs that strive to accomplish the same goal. Through the conservation of energy and creation of new and improved architecture that also strives to create environmentally friendly atmospheres; while concurrently creating occupational options for people to maintain the efforts of the sustainability initiative. While conducting primary and secondary research on the challenges that were associated with the UAE green initiative it was discoverer that lack of awareness of the need to have such an initiative, unforeseen occurrences, natural dilemmas, and differences of opinion regarding the initiative were among some of the greatest challenges associated with the initiative. To ameliorate the impact of the aforesaid challenges a summit was held where stakeholder engage in the consultation process. By doing so, this helped to inform the stakeholders about the importance that this initiative can have on the political, economical, social, environmental, and technical roots of the UAE. Hence, the challenges associated with the initiative stem from a lack of knowledge about the initiative and the uncertainty of its implementation (, 2013). Recommendations for how to maintain the challenges that threatened the green initiative’s success are found below.

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Suggestions and recommendations
After reviewing the major challenge that are associated with the Green Economy for Sustainable Development initiative the recommendations for limiting the challenges of ‘scarcity of water, lack of awareness in sustainability and environmental issues (despite the high education levels), and operational challenges such as retrofitting existing buildings” (Issa & Abbar, 2015) include the following:

Creating community sustainability workshops where members of the community are introduced to methods where they can conserve natural and scarce resources. In these workshops member of the community will also be taught about the potential hazards and dangers associated with using touch water, energy, etc. If possible, community members should also be provided with tools and literature to ameliorate their chances of engaging in sustainable development.

The second recommendation is to evaluate the environment by conducting an environmental scan to assess for the buildings that require an immense amount of energy and water. This will help to locate which buildings can have upgrades made to them so that it can reduce the use of energy and water. In addition to the aforementioned, it can also educate the employees or inhabitants on the amount of water and energy that has been used in the past, and how to apply the initiative to reserving these resources in the current and future times.

The last recommendation is to conduct community outreach and summits where there are entertaining and eco-friendly games that teach the youth about the necessity for an eco-friendly environment. Collectively is businesses, community members, and young persons are informed, educated, and instructed on the green imitative; this can help to reduce the challenges associated with the implementation and maintenance through education, and direct involvement tactics.

The three recommendations are intended to introduce the concept of going green in the UAE and encouraging businesses and community members to embrace the green initiative, while participating in sustainable development.

  • Al Abbar, S. 2015 January 2. Available from GN Property: [8 June 2016]
  • 2013. Building Inclusive Green Economies:The UAE Approach. 2016 Available from [8 June 2016]
  • Green, G. 2016. UAE – A green economy for sustainable development. Available from Go Green: [8 June 2016]
  • Issa, N., & Abbar, S. A. 2015. Sustainability in the Middle East: achievements and challenges. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development , 1-5.[8 June 2016]