Problem StatementAdvancements in technology have not only changed the ways that employees in the workplace work but also their interactions. Technological advancements have enabled devices lots of internet devices within the workplace. The availability of internet in the workplace has both positive and negative effects on employee productivity (Colucci, 2012). In today’s organization’s majority of the employees need to have access to the internet to effectively perform their duties. Internet attractions and pursuits pose a big threat to employees’ productivity.

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Statement of Problem
The following paper aims to overview the good and the bad side of allowing internet access in the workplace. Findings depict that internet use within the workplace plays a very significant role towards improved employee motivation. Also, it will bring about enhancements in information sharing as well as the good interpersonal relationship between the subordinates and the managers. However, internet use within the workplace is also associated with reduced productivity. Employees will tend to spend most of their working time on their personal issues.

Significance of the study
Based on our paper, the increased use of the internet within the workplace stimulates work engagement, job satisfaction and moral which translates to increased productivity. To the contrary, excessive internet use within the workplace lowers productivity. The study will help the companies come up with good internet policies that will see its implementation process be of great benefit. The monitoring process will enhance its compliance and see organizational goals strive (Remtulla, 2010). Alternatively, in as many organizations should allow using the internet in the workplace, they ought to come up with an ethical code of conduct to control its usage. Experts should be deployed by the various organizations to filter information in the internet sites within the workplace.

  • Colucci, M. (2002). The impact of the Internet and new technologies on the workplace: A legal analysis from a comparative point of view. The Hague [u.a.: Kluwer Law Internat.
  • Remtulla, K. A. (2010). Socio-cultural impacts of workplace e-learning: Epistemology, Ontology, and pedagogy. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
  • St, A. K., & Zemliansky, P. (2005). Internet-based workplace communications: Industry & academic applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Pub.