Knowledge is more than just knowing or understanding dimensions. Knowledge management (KM) is the development, distribution, grouping, using and the understanding data of an organization (Girard & Girard 2015) (Hislop 2013). It is a multifaceted approach to achieving institutional and individual objectives by making the best use of knowledge (Dalkir, & Beaulieu 2017). Therefore, KM is more than just the process of acquiring knowledge. The sharing and use of knowledge revolutionized the world over. In every field, knowledge sharing and has led to improvements in life and further the development of the previous knowledge. The development of writing, in particular, played and plays an important role is sharing knowledge. Importantly, management of information is crucial in ensuring its use and accessibility is achieved and its desired purpose is attained (Holsapple, 2013) (Fuller, 2012). A Strategy is a set of steps and processes identified to achieve a certain goal. Through strategies, efforts are concentrated on the most effective and efficient process leading to the desired result as fast as possible. A key component of the strategy is the efficient use of limited resources that plague academia in particular (Shannak, Ra’ed, & Ali, 2012). The importance of strategy, therefore, permeates all aspects of life including KM. Hence knowledge Management strategy is the set of guiding steps to effective and efficient creation, dissemination and management of knowledge and information (Beyk, B., & Halas, 2014).

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However, knowledge management is still a challenge today as it was in history, in particular. Currently, the internet allows for the access to a lot of information, but still, there are challenges in accessing scientific and academic material (Ferraresi, Quandt, dos Santos & Frega, 2012). Moreover, some information in the wrong hands is dangerous, such as the risk of nuclear weapons in the hands of extremist groups. Knowledge management technologies are providing a reprieve to these challenges such as groupware, workflow systems, content management and e-learning software; these challenges are prevalent even among high performers (Liebowitz & Frank 2016.)

High performing is a performance that is better than what is currently the normal standard. High performers are the best, the fastest, the most efficient and the most effective performers. High performers are in every field including sports, management, and academia. Interestingly, high performance is a relative term for performance that is better than currently available. For instance, a Ferrari from the 1960s can be a high performer when compared to a current model of supercar and super electric cars that are much faster. High performers rely heavily on knowledge to better themselves, process and their results. Through the new application of knowledge, an improvement on current knowledge or access to knowledge that improves high performance performers are able to achieve the high standards attributed to them. However, there are numerous high achievers and diverse high achievers and simultaneously a large magnitude of information available for consumption. Information overload in the current world is a real problem with the internet. Hence even though sharing of information is more accessible, the sheer amount of knowledge makes it impossible to implement (Wang & Wang 2012).

Additionally, high performers require various information including personal management information and professional information management. Hence, in many cases, high performers are good in only one aspect of their lives while other aspects of their lives are below average. CEO’s, in particular, are celebrated for their high performer roles and abilities. Nonetheless, they are often workaholics. Knowledge management on high performers drastically improves their quality of life, by providing access to relevant information, saves time in information searching and provides information to better not only one aspect of their life but a holistic approach to living, still, knowledge management for high performers requires time and effort to wade for the fountain of knowledge to better the better.