The decision by the grand jury not to indict Fergusson Police Officer Darren Wilson in connection with the shooting of Michael Brown sparked widespread demonstration across several US cities including Ferguson, in Missouri. The riots could have been prevented by taking into consideration various factors that touched the community that felt shortchanged by the decision and considering the timing of the verdict. The grand jury is an independent judicial organ that operates without the intervention or the influence of any individual. The grand jury is convened and the prosecution presents its evidence (The New York Times, 2014). The grand jury begins by determining if the crime was indeed committed. If the evidence provided by the prosecution proves that a crime was committed, the jury moves to the next step of determining if the person accused did likely commit that crime. Later, the Grand Jury makes a decision whether to accused is guilty or not. Regarding to the working process of the American justice system, the guilt of an individual accused to have committed a particular is the responsibility of the Grand Jury and not by protesters, and the media.

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Riots often take place when a group of people are not satisfied by a decision put on them by their relevant authorities, when people are opposing something, they can use the riots as a platform to express their disappointment or feelings. The riots witnessed in Ferguson regarding the decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson could have been minimized by putting in place various preventive mechanisms to reduce such magnitude of riots. The simplest way was to involve influential leaders to urge the local people to keep calm regardless of the outcome (The New York Times, 2014). In addition, it is important to ensure transparency and explain every aspect of the decision to the people since we are in a democratic society.

The riots witnessed in Fergusson and other parts of the US can be minimized by ensuring that all members of the society are equality treated regardless of their socioeconomic and racial cultural backgrounds. The society should be educated on various outcomes of justice in order for them to understand what to expect in case one of their own has been apprehended and is accused (Millhiser, 2014). The Grand Jury on the other hand had a right to make its decision independently, and we believe on the integrity of the Grand Jury. The riots are a bigger representation of the various issues that some communities are facing. The riots indicated that such issues in the American society needs to be resolved and not to wait for such scenarios to occur. It is important to respect the American Judicial System and the rule of law cannot be comprise. However, if the some people in the society feel alienated and oppressed, there are better avenues to use when seeking justice. The riots led to loss of property worth millions of dollars. Private business were burned down, and therefore, some innocent American were affected by what they were not even connected with. Nevertheless, we have different views regarding the decision made by the Grand Jury. However, it is important if people can come together and agree how to handle some issues in the society such as crime especially among teenagers and how the police should handle such offenders.

The local authorities were very much aware that there was a likelihood that the riots could have occurred if the officer was not indicted. They would have put in place various preventive mechanisms to ensure that the riots did not take placed in first place (Millhiser, 2014). The first and foremost action was to involve the local, state, and the federal leaders to convince the people to ignore from indulging in violent rioting. This could have been my first and preferred first step of action. Secondly, I could have taken the leading front in advocating and requesting the people to engage in dialogue so as to get into the root cause of the problem. This is because the issue appears to be beyond the courts itself, and it touches every member of the society. Therefore, it is wise to get into the table with leaders from various racial and socioeconomic backgrounds to understand the issues that are affecting the local people directly (Millhiser, 2014). In addition, as a police, I should have the responsibility of ensuring that minor offender are arrested and be cautious when making some critical decisions.

The issue in Ferguson grew and spread quickly to other cities in the United States. This was a clear indication to the authorities that the issue was escalating out of hand. Therefore, it required full involvement of the federal government. The courts and the authority should learn lessons from the outcome of the case involving Darren Wilson. The local authorities should have acted quickly and quell the riots before they could swell up and spread to other parts of the country. The Department of Homeland Security could have deployed more security personnel to contain the riots in the first day (Fox News, 2014). In the future, the Grand Jury decision should be made within closed doors. In addition, it is important to have deployed more personnel to the area, and even declare a curfew in the area to ensure that riots are contained.