White lies are in most cases presumed as harmless until a certain point where the consequently turn into a chain reaction full of lies (Johnson and Ryan, 2014). Sometimes we tell white lies or participate in actions that denote the above concept with the main aim of protecting others and how they feel but one paramount question that we need to ask ourselves from time to time, is it really worth it? Andy (the Sherriff), Opie (Andy’s son) and Barney (Andy’s deputy) may have good intentions in telling the white lie but as soon as Aunt Bea and Clara Johnson find out about these, their feelings may end up being hurt and consequently affect their relationship with the aforementioned. The Andy Griffith show has received national acclaim from the American citizens since its inception in the year 1960’s. One major reason as to why the TV show has been popular is the fact that the whole storyline was based on ardent support and teaching towards family values as well as imparting knowledge on religious concepts. Of importance is the fact that the show, attributed and commonly associated with the Mayberry values, was entirely based on teaching the society on doing the right thing. The character elicited by Andy, Opie and Barney was totally in contravention to these values. As elicited earlier, lying to someone may be because we want to protect them from getting hurt, but at times the truth is better. Human values and principles are divergent, depending on the character and values of successive individuals. From the Mayberry values, we learn to treat other people with kindness and take a personal responsibility for our actions as well as those that we do and affect the lives of other people.

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