As the world continues to evolve, many new advancements in technology have emerged. Since the invention of computers and digital devices, the use of technology has become even more innovative. Thus, technology has had many advantages in society, but some people feel that it has significantly hindered some areas of society such as time-consumption spent on tech savvy products and limited one-on-one communication. But despite some of the disadvantages, technology has enabled people to do profound things in modern times. It is heavily used in many areas of society including homes, offices, hospitals and scientific explorations and inventions. Essentially, technology remains an extremely beneficial element of society, and it continues to change and improve scientific and socio-economic areas of the world.Since the advent of technology, it has become an integral part of people’s everyday lives. Making phone calls, cooking, workplace functions and school libraries have all been revamped and have been made even more convenient through the use of new technology products. As technology developments continue to emerge, people constantly adapt and embrace new technology. For instance, mobile phones have changed the ways in which people communicate.

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Simuforosa (2013) found that “78% of the teens have a cellphone and almost half of them own smart phones” (p. 2). Prior to the invention of cell phones, people could only make incoming and outgoing calls to others. Now, with mobile phones, they are able to quickly reach family and friends through instant text messages, which makes it more convenient and faster, especially in case of emergencies. Also, there are different applications on mobile devices that allow people to have access to online banking, bill paying and other resources, which can help to minimize time that people spend in banks and other places.

Although cell phones have made it easier and convenient to handle tasks, some people still view it as a hindrance. Due to the constant use of mobile devices, it limits the physical actions that people have to make, which can be viewed as lazy. Some people feel as if digital devices have stopped people from interacting with others and have made them isolate themselves from society and more dependent on technology. But mobile devices have made a significant impact on society and businesses because it helps to decrease long lines and waits, which have been one of the major complaints among consumers. Also, some critics feel that technology makes teens and students lose focus on their study work. According to Simuforosa (2013), “the number of hours as noted by the study, adolescents spend using technology, is increasing. Adolescents spending many hours surfing social websites” (p. 3). But others view technology-integrated work helps to boost studying by giving students more accessibility to information and resources, which encourages more studying and better learning processes.
Thus, even cell phones continue to evolve with the invention of the iPhone by Apple. In the past, cell phones were big devices that were only used to make and receive phone calls. Now, with the iPhone, people are able to send messages, check voicemail, make and receive calls, check emails and social media, and play games. As the iPhone continues to change and new versions are created, more and more Technology is ever changing. There have been at least ten changes to the appearance of the iPhone as well as at least over 15 changes to the power and operating system of the device. According to Warren (2014), Apple’s smartphones have been designed to “reinvent the phone,” and it has revolutionized smartphones and shaped the industry into what it is today. Thus, this is a great benefit to manufacturers because they are able to create and innovate new inventions of the phone and continue to provide consumers with the latest trends in mobile devices.
Furthermore, technology has also helped to make advancements in the medicine and science. Hospitals are now more well-equipped with the newest technology products to better examine patients both externally and internally. For instance, ultrasound and radiation machines allow doctors to discover and treat illnesses in organs and bones. Before the machines existed, doctors could only rely on how a patient felt and their symptoms in order to determine their sickness. The use of machines to monitor heart rates, blood pressure and temperature also shows the advantages of technology over the years, and 84 percent of patients and 69% of doctors are now beginning to embrace the use of technology in the diagnostic process (Goodman, 2014). Thus, the advancement in technology has allowed for early detection of different illnesses, including cancer, which has helped to save many lives. Ultimately, these machines have helped doctors and the medical industry tremendously because they are able to stay on track with health records and better detect and treat illnesses.
Essentially, although some technology has caused some differences and disadvantages to people’s lives, most technology has been an extreme advantage. As a result of new technology, people are able to better handle health, finances, schools and so many other areas of society. Also, individuals are able to communicate with each other in ways that were impossible prior to the invention of mobile devices. Now, new technology is being created, which allows people and businesses to grow even more. Overall, technology has made our society more efficient and innovative, which is the key to ensure social and economic prosperity.

  • Goodman, B. (2014). Doctors, patients embrace technology in medicine. WebMD Health News.
    Retrieved from
  • Simuforosa, M. (2013). The impact of modern technology on the educational attainment of
    adolescents. The International of Education and Research, 1(9), 1-8. .
  • Warren, T. (2014). iPhone: A visual history. The Verge. 9 September. Retrieved from