Wherever we see, we find technology. It is difficult to think of a society without technology now. Even children now have multiple gadgets such as smart phone, digital music players, and tablet devices. While technology has improved our lives, it has also made us unhappier because progress usually comes with costs. Technology has made people unhappy by negatively affecting their personal and social lives.

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Technology has made people unhappy because it has made them more aware of how their peers as well as other people live. Humans have a tendency to compare ourselves to others and because of technology, it is easier to know how others are doing. As a result, the easy access to information makes us unhappy because we become more aware of how others are doing better than us in one or more areas. This behavior is not unique to humans but even animals. Researchers did an experiment on monkeys in which the first monkey was happy when he got cucumber as a reward. But he became unhappy when the other monkey got grapes since monkeys like grapes more (Hayes). Few decades ago, we didn’t have as easy access to information but now technologies such as social media have changed the reality. As a result, one of the ways technology has made people unhappy is by making them more conscious of what they don’t have that others have.

Technology has also made people unhappy because it has negatively affected their face-to-face interactions with other people. Psychologist Timothy Wilson says that technology such as phones and computers are addictive and young people often cannot help themselves but keep checking their devices frequently (Konnikova). Wilson’s claims are not surprising to many people because we all have seen other people checking smart phone even when their friends and family members are sitting together with them and having face-to-face discussions. If one goes to public places like restaurants, it is not uncommon to find people checking smart phones while their friends or family members are sitting besides or right in front of them. Thus, technology has made people unhappy because it has reduced face-to-face interaction.

Technology may also have made people unhappy because it has created more uncertainty due to faster pace of change. Job security has declined and many jobs have moved overseas. Those who have jobs fear theirs’ may be next. Similarly, some baby boomers and other elderly citizens are also unhappy with technology because they are not as comfortable with technology as younger people and think technology has made life more difficult rather than easier.

Technology has also made some people unhappy due to privacy and security concerns. There is less privacy now and moreover, data breaches often put personal data for millions of people at risk. Similarly, even when people take precautions to limit their personal information online, they fail because technology works in complex ways. The best example may be social media where one cannot control who view their information and to whom their information by be sold.

It is clear technology has made people unhappy for a number of reasons. First of all, technology makes it easier for people to compare themselves to others and there is always someone doing better than them. Technology has also made people unhappy by reducing face-to-face interaction. Some people are also unhappy because technology has made life more uncertain. Some has even lost their jobs while others are worried. Similarly, older people are less used to technology, thus technology makes their life more difficult rather than easier.