The creation and utilization of technology represents one of the major pillars that have marked the evolution of modern society to its current status where various forms of technologies have promoted positive results such as enhanced efficiency in work among many others. For instance, technologies in medicine have reduced mortality and those related to communications and information technology have enhanced communication while others involving robotics have led to use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and positive results in areas of agriculture and military. This is affirmed by Rose (2014) who points out numerous applications of drones, as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are widely known, especially commercial uses in fields like agriculture and architecture, among others, while espousing UAVs great future positive potential. This paper presents a discussion on UAVs and their impacts on society.

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Technology and Society
Viewed as the application of relevant knowledge towards solving problems and aiding in the production and utilization of a myriad of goods and services, technology has had a positive impact on society. For instance, alongside the application of UAVs in commercial activities including in architecture, search and rescue as well as agriculture, these technologies, based on market research, is identified by Rose (2014) as able to generate over ‘100,000 jobs and $82 billion’ in the first decade. This means stable support for entire families of employees working in the industry while also strengthening the economy of the country especially since more manufacturing facilities will be required for greater production. Defined as robotic, independent unmanned aircraft characterized by autonomous or remote control equipment, Nonami et al. (2010) acknowledges that drones have been in use for some time especially for military purposes.
However, this positive potential is derailed by various challenges including one instance narrated by Rose (2014) where a drone crashed in Manhattan ‘narrowly missing a man walking home from work’ due to lack of better capabilities. This exemplifies the danger that drones can bring to society in terms of loss of limb and sometimes life as their speeds and construction may be lethal to humans if one was to fall on a person. Another downside is the cost of production as well as testing which the author indicates is quite high but that new technologies are continuously addressing these technologies’ weaknesses (Rose, 2014). This is affirmed by Nonami et al. (2010) who indicate that lots of resources have been expended through research and development in making the drones work better and efficiently.

Nonetheless, these challenges are not insurmountable and represent new opportunities not only for those in the industry but also for the industry itself as it will grow in the process (Rose, 2014). The author however, focuses more on future applications of associated technologies which include cinematography as well as tracking people, among others. Nonami et al. (2010) adds greater capability in carrying out highly complex military missions ranging from target detection, recognition and destruction to defensive maneuvers to the list, as well as inspection of terrain, vital utilities and infrastructure such as pipelines. Greater acceptance by the public as well as the government in relation to increased commercial use is indicated as inevitable in the near future. The current and anticipated future impacts of these technologies on society are largely positive including enhanced law and order maintenance as well as industrial growth, among others.

In summary, Rose’s (2014) article highlights how drones, as growing novel technologies, have been used in society and their impacts as well as their future potential. Basically, it is evident that drones are useful and continue to hold great potential that will continue to positively impact society in many areas including agriculture, architecture and security, among others, which safeguard and represent a better society. Nevertheless, the potential weaknesses and associated challenges including privacy invasion as well as potential catastrophe if used for the wrong reasons by the wrong people, among other concerns, must be considered. Still, these technologies, as highlighted by Rose (2014), have great future potential which, despite few weaknesses and challenges, should be leveraged for a better future for society including effectively dealing with challenges as they arise.

  • Nonami, K., Kendoul, F., Suzuki, S., Wang, W. & Nakazawa, D. (2010). Autonomous flying
    robots: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Micro Aerial Vehicles. Manhattan, NYC: Springer.
  • Rose, D. (Oct. 18, 2014). Dudes with drones. sUAS News. Retrieved from