In every instance of the provision of health care, the patient is catered to by a variety of professionals whose collaboration ensures the accomplishment of wholesome care. The variety of professionals involved create a healthcare team whose purpose is to play individual roles that are significantly important to the responsibility of every team member. As such, a patient may be exposed to a variety of individuals which include the physician, nurse, mental health professional, laboratory technicians, x-ray technicians and experts in information technology systems (Torrens, 2010). Therefore, the healthcare team is comprised of many individuals with different professional backgrounds and who perform different roles that add up to the provision of wholesome care.

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An ideal healthcare team has three distinct qualities which include clear roles and responsibilities, teamwork, and accountability. The proper functioning of a health care team in a manner that enables the successful provision of care entails the clear definition of roles and responsibilities of each and every team member. This will enable each individual to know what is expected of him or her for the benefit of providing quality care to the patient. Secondly, a good healthcare team is made by people who understand the importance of working together as a team.

Essentially, the individual actions of the team member would not be significant if not integrated with the work of other members. In view of this, teamwork stands to be amongst one of the most important qualities of a health care team (Babiker et al., 2014). Lastly, a health care team cannot be complete without the presence of accountability, which ties up to the other mentioned qualities. Since every team member has a role to play, they should be responsible and accountable for their actions and how they affect the end result of the process of healthcare.

In healthcare, teamwork becomes an important aspect of healthcare, particularly specialized care (Babiker et al., 2014). For there to be effective teamwork, communication must be effective and efficient to enable the smooth and flexible collaboration of activities performed by each team member. Quality care can, therefore, be visualized through the integration of effective communication and teamwork for the benefit of positively affecting patient safety and outcome (Babiker et al., 2014).