Samples "Teaching" (Page 6)


Teaching Reading To Diverse Learners

Due to the diversity of learners regarding cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, some of them tend to learn slower than others. In this context, it is the responsibility of the teacher to help them to be at the same point. Teachers should help students who are falling back by employing reading...

733 words | 3 page(s)
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Traditional teaching vs. Progressive teaching

With the ever-changing times and changes happening with people with every single passing decade, the debate regarding traditional and progressive teaching methods becomes more and more prominent. There will probably be never a unified opinion regarding the necessity for new teaching strategies and methods. There will never be a consensus...

1183 words | 5 page(s)
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Digital Storytelling: Lessons Learned for Effective Teaching

The art of storytelling has existed for long. Consequently, the means of telling stories have evolved with time from oral stories, scribes, newspapers, television and most recently, the internet. Currently, digital storytelling blends technology with tradition thus allowing pupils to narrate stories through text and media (Keengwe and Onchwari, 2009)....

332 words | 3 page(s)
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My Definition of “Well-Educated”

Dewey’s suggested that “an educated person is one who has gained the power of reflective attention, the power to hold problems, questions, before the mind” (Kohn, 3). I agree, do you? I believe that we all start learning from the moment of our birth. The foundations we build throughout our...

798 words | 3 page(s)
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Suggestions for Teacher Research regarding Learning Styles

Learning styles, as an educational term, refer to the individual differences regarding instructional or study models and their effectiveness (Pashler et al., 2008). From the paradigm proposed by those who advocate for an education centered on the individual differences, optimal instruction requires a thorough diagnosis of the student to tailor...

1342 words | 5 page(s)
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