The organization in focus is a middle school with communication issues. A review of the organization’s systems theories starts by an analysis of its cycle of production. The primary purpose of the middle school in focus is to provide educational services particularly to children in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. The organization’s inputs include academic resources such as books, finances, security to both the learners and teachers, guidance and counseling sessions for the learners, sports facilities and others (Ammermüller, 2005). All these put together are used by the learners to achieve the organization’s short-term and long-term objectives. For example, the learners use the provided academic resources as reference platforms during their studies. Also, the guidance and counseling sessions help the students develop morally and psychologically while still in the organization’s premises. On the other hand, the sports facilities such as balls provided to the learners facilitate physical development. By investing in the above-mentioned inputs, the middle school’s focus is on the development of the product, which is the learner. The organization’s output is an all-round learner capable of surviving in the economic, social, and political and every other sector in the larger world. For years, the middle school has been at the forefront in ensuring that the objective of sending out all-around learners acceptable in the larger world is achieved.
It should be noted that our middle school appreciates both positive and negative feedback from the sub and super systems. Previous criticism of the organization’s delivery of services has been based on the fact that it lacks order and predictability (Morgan, 2006). Others have argued that our organization is gradually declining into disorder because of the communication issues cropping up. However, in addressing or reversing the entropy of the system, the leaders and stakeholders of our organization are working hard to ensure that roles and responsibilities of the staff and learners are clearly defined. Besides, the school’s heads are striving to ensure that discipline and respect are instilled between the learners and teachers. The school’s management is also striving to ensure that a common language is used among the teachers and the learners to eradicate the communication challenges or issues cropping up. Apparently, communication issues are major setbacks in the school’s stride to success, and the fact that the concerned personnel is exploring other paths to ensure success is achieved in the long run cannot be refuted. Without a doubt, the school is keenly doing a benchmark of the academic procedures and situations in other middle schools. The school’s leadership has outsourced personnel and communication experts in a bid to solve the communication issues pulling the organization backward.

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There is no doubt that our institution is respected in the broader society and economy. Regarding the organization’s genotypic function, its productivity can be felt in the broader society and economy, and this is owed to the fact that it produces all-around learners capable of fitting in every social, political, religious, and economic sector (Bosworth, 2005). Also, the institution’s role in the maintenance of the larger society and economy cannot be compromised. This objective has been achieved on the basis that the school’s community is frequently involved in community cleaning programs and guidance and counseling of the society’s youths. As a private entity, the school remits taxes to the relevant authorities, and this underlines its commitment to the maintenance of the larger economy. Our institution’s contribution to the society and economy is also supported by the fact that the graduate learners are absorbed in various organizations, and the fact that they are all-around has seen them steer managerial positions.

Apart from academic success, our institution aims at the maximization of profits with a long-term view of survival. It is essential that the survival of institutions depends greatly on how profitable the institutions are. It is from profits that institutions can get funds for sustaining and maintaining normal operations (Gu & Wong, 2012). In fact, the pillar of our institution’s long-term view of survival is the profits recorded annually. Our leadership and management have put in place measures to ensure that the objective of maximizing profits is achieved annually.

Another important fact about the middle school is that it is concerned with various environmental sectors. First, it is one of the leading middle schools with the highest number of graduates absorbed in the economic sector. Thus, the student’s leadership has the understanding of what is required for learners to get absorbed in the economic sector. Besides, our organization is in close partnership with myriads of organizations in the economic sectors, and this has paved the way for the absorption of learners in the sector without delays. Moreover, the quality knowledge and skills possessed by the graduates from our institution has given as an upper hand and recognition in the political arena. The close association and relationship with the institution’s leadership and the stakeholders in the larger political sector cannot be overlooked. In fact, the institution is among the leading beneficiaries of sponsorships and financial support given to educational institutions by various stakeholders in the political sector. A hallmark contribution of the institution to the larger society is the involvement in community development programs and projects. The institution remains the leading initiator of community development programs among middle schools, and this has given it a competitive advantage in the social sector (Mazzarol & Norman Soutar, 1999). The positive feedback from other systems overshadows negative feedback, and as a result, our institution continues to enroll more learners annually.

  • Ammermüller, A. (2005). Educational opportunities and the role of institutions. ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, (05-044).
  • Bosworth, B. (2005). Productivity in education and the growing gap with service industries. In The internet and the university: Forum (pp. 61-74).
  • Gu, W., & Wong, A. (2012). Measuring the economic output of the education sector in the national accounts. Statistics Canada.
  • Mazzarol, T., & Norman Soutar, G. (1999). Sustainable competitive advantage for educational institutions: a suggested model. International Journal of Educational Management, 13(6), 287-300.
  • Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.