Student government plays an important role in all of our school activities, and it takes an enthusiastic leader with positive attributes to fulfill this position well. A person who has commitment, experience, and good leadership qualities can improve the accomplishments of our student council in many significant ways. Council leadership requires a balance of time, energy, and being a responsible person overall. I am from China and I came to study abroad when I was thirteen. To be a successful person, I believe that one should not only excel in academic study but also possess a range of positive capabilities that include organization skills, analytical ability, and the capacity for creative innovation. All of these qualifications require a deep sense of motivation and enthusiasm, which are significant to the achievement of success. Together they embody the kinds of leadership qualities which are the keynotes to effectively run a student government.

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I believe that the numerous clubs where I am already a member have prepared me very well for the unique responsibilities of being a major participant in our student council. I am currently an active member in our school band, the Asian club, the Human relations club, and the Junior Varsity soccer team; my participation in all of these diverse groups has given me a broad, well-rounded experience within the school environment that has given me a clear picture of how student government works. I have learned the cooperative, give-and-take aspects of the entire process, which plays such an important role in every facet of how school activities are run. My club involvement is an integral part of my school and social life, which also demonstrates my interest and enthusiasm for every aspect of our high school. In addition to the many students I interact with every day in my activities, I have also gained knowledge about how the student council group works cooperatively with these important school functions. The optimum conditions for success in these activities are a necessary part of running a student government well, and I look forward to the responsibilities for leadership in these areas with a confident anticipation.

In addition to the various school participation I have outlined, my extra-curricular activities include further experiences in many areas of human social endeavors. Volunteer work at the Missionaries of Charity house is a rewarding involvement in our community which gives me an opportunity to express my compassionate more fully. I have met a variety of people from all walks of life there, who may have so little but appreciate our assistance in numerous small ways—not only in the material sense, but in an occasion to talk about their lives and circumstances. After school, I also spend time with young children of all ages, helping them with their homework and playing a variety of games. In these activities, I have learned a lot about how to organize group activities in a coordinated fashion in order to really make the most of our time together.

The capacity for organization, an analytical outlook towards all human interaction, and the ability for creative solutions are important skills which go beyond academic reasoning. In my approach to student government, I will use a combination of these proficiencies to provide our student council with the best possible opportunities for success. I believe I can undertake the important role as a student council member using all of these abilities together in order to make the most of my talents. I will accept the importance of responsibility and leadership in earnest, yet with an equal measure of enthusiastic energy as well. My experience in a wide range of activities has prepared me well for leadership involvement at the student government level. I am truly excited at the prospects and the opportunity to work with our managing team for a positive future.