As far as my strengths are concerned, among them are belief, being a developer, consistency, discipline, and an arranger. My initial reaction was naturally a surprise, because we often do not think of ourselves in certain regards. I have never thought of myself as an arranger and a disciplined person. The realization came to me only after I sat down and seriously thought about my capabilities. Another initial reaction was relief meaning that I saw more merits to my character than ever before.

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I started to understand in which direction it is worth developing so as to capitalize on the strength that would clearly make me a better person. Moreover, I understood that some are directly dependant on other points in the aforementioned lists. For instance, discipline gives the opportunity to organize oneself so as to have more structure and better time management in one’s life at the very least. The strength of arranger comes with discipline, because arrangement is by default impossible without self-discipline and proper organization.

I would use the acquired knowledge about my strength for self-improvement. Everyone knows that stopping on the achievements is the guarantee of stalling in terms of development and self-evolving. I would place more belief into my strengths in order to acquire new ones. Consistency would be the key to upholding the same level of perfection I have already managed to aspire to. The strength of developing would be dedicated to making my strengths more multi-faceted while the older ones would be perfected even further. With this knowledge, I realize that I am capable of numerous great things. The key to unleashing my strength is gaining utmost confidence in them so as to have enough bravery to step forward and never look back.