In my opinion, I have numerous strengths that the company will benefit from, but my biggest strength of all is teamwork and communication. While I think that knowledge of one’s respective field is important, I understand that having effective teamwork and communication skills is what really makes workers successful and companies profitable. Without a cohesive team full of diverse skills, a company is not really a company in that it lacks the teamwork needed in order to be a well-oiled machine.

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Throughout my entire life, I have been honing my teamwork and communication skills rather as opposed to honing my more technical skills throughout all of high school. From playing on team sports to compromising with friends and family, I believe that my events throughout my entire life have trained me for this job. Of course, working in project teams in high school obviously helped me because I had to learn how to work in a team, learn “soft skills,” and understand my role and how my role fits into the whole of the team.

Moreover, the number one thing companies look for nowadays seems to be whether a candidate is good at working with other people, even if he or she does not have many similarities with them. I can confidently say that I work together well with anyone, even if we may not see eye to eye at times. In fact, I believe that not seeing eye to eye is a good thing when it comes to teamwork, as this allows the end product of the project to get better because everyone is contributing to the product and the team picks and chooses the best part of everyone’s idea. This is why diversity of thought and culture is so important for the communications process that runs through a company.

However, I do recognize that I have some areas of improvement that I should try and become better in as I progress through my career. Moreover, at times people have told me that I do not focus as much as I should and that I become too easily distracted by my surroundings. Right now, I do not see the consequences of this, but I believe it may turn into a really bad habit if I let it linger any longer, as it would cut into my productivity and hurt the company and perhaps even my team.

I believe that much of the distraction factors into my procrastination and my tendency to leave a lot of assignments to last minute. I have tried to solve this issue, but I seem to be having a bit of trouble, as this has been a habit that has built itself up over the past 4 to 8 years. I have always been someone who prefers doing things last minute, as I have always held the belief that the end product comes out better when I am under pressure. However, in the real world, this is unacceptable, as there is a review and correction phase in many product outlines.

Furthermore, this requires the end product to be done a couple weeks before it is due so that the team can make minor tweaks here and there. In my opinion, I should start creating a written schedule on a calendar that tells me what I should do every day. This way, I will have something that allows me to reference to see if I am staying on track. Additionally, I should strive to eliminate the distractions surrounding me if I can, which includes my phone, social media, and having friends with me when I am working on a task.